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yes, light is still reflected off of it, so it's considered "reflection."

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Q: When light bounces off a cats fur is that considered reflection?
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How is it useful when cats eyes flash in the dark?

It's the reflection of the light off of the rods in the back of the eye. Humans have the same rods, they just do not have as many, which doesn't allow for the reflection. And due to the reflection of the light, the cat is able to see in the dark.

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All animals, even humans have some degree of light reflection. This is often apparent in animals that are often observed by humans, such as dogs and cats.

Can cats see in the mirror?

Mine do, and it is very entertaining to see them play with their reflection.

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Why does one of my cats eyes glow and the other one doesn't?

No. In the dark, the eyes of animals, especially animals that are nocturnal, will reflect light and look like they glow. This is the same thing that causes your eyes to "glow" red when someone takes a photo with a flash.

Are house cats counted as small cats?

Yes, they are considered small cats...

Uses of total internal reflection?

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Was Bastet considered the mother of all cats on Earth?

Not exactly, she was considered to be the goddess of all cats on Earth.

Why do cats hate mirroirs so much?

Actually, not all cats hate mirrors. I think you cat hates mirrors because cats cannot figure out that it is their own reflection. They think there is another cat.

Are black cats lucky or unlucky?

Black cats are considered unlucky.

Are cats considered pets in Pennsylvania?

No...they are considered to be wild animals!