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Q: When light is reflected the incident rays are bent and change direction?
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What is meant by angle of reflection?

With specular reflection (how a mirror reflects) the light is reflected from the mirror surface in a specific way.Light from a single incoming direction is reflected into a single outgoing direction as described by the law of reflection.This states that the direction of incoming light (the incident ray), and the direction of outgoing light reflected (the reflected ray) make the same angle with respect to the surface normal, thus the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection and that the incident, normal, and reflected directions are coplanar.

When light is reflected does the direction of the light wave change?

Yes, the light wave goes in the direction of the angle or reflection.

What is the difference between reflectivity and reflectence?

reflectivity is the fraction of incident radiation reflected by a surface. In general it must be treated as a directional property that is a function of the reflected direction, the incident direction, and the incident wavelength. However it is also commonly averaged over the reflected hemisphere to give the hemispherical spectral reflectivity:reflectance a measure of the ability of a surface to reflect light or other electromagnetic radiation, equal to the ratio of the reflected flux to the incident flux.

What happens to light when its reflected?

According to law of reflection, the angle of incidence and angle of reflection are equal. If the incident surface is smooth specular reflection takes place where the light is reflected in a single direction.

What is a term that means reflected light?

The light which enters is called the incident ray and the reflected light is called the reflected ray.

What will be the color reflected by a green surface when yellow light is incident on it?

No light will be reflected, since there is no incident green light to reflect. To a human observer, the surface will appear black.

Why is light internally reflected in a raindrop?

light after incident on molecules of water (rain drop) it scatters or reflected.

How does incident light emerge from a prism?

Incident light hits a prism, refracted or reflected light emerges from it. In what manner it is different from the incident light depends on the angle of incidence and the angles of the prism. Commonly it may be refracted, dispersed or reflected back.

What is the difference between incident ray and the reflected ray?

incident ray-the light ray striking a reflecting surface is called the incident ray. reflected ray-the light ray obtained after reflection from the surface, in the same medium in which the incident ray is travelling , is called the reflected ray.

What is difference between incident ray and a reflected ray?

A ray of light which strikes the surface is called incident ray and a surface which is reflected is called a reflected ray

When light passes from air to glass the light may change direction due to reflection?

yes .. at any interface when light passes from one medium to another part of it gets reflected and remaining refracted. so some amount of light incident when passing from air to glass gets reflected. but in the reverse way i.e, from glass to air there is chance for all the light incident to get reflected as in the case of total internal reflection. and again coming to your case the amount of light reflected follows the laws of reflection i.e, angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. the light which got refracted follows the snell's laws of refraction.

How will light hitting a solid surface be reflected back?

when a light ray is thrown on a PLANE surface two things occur which cause light to reflect 1- the incident ray is equal to the reflected ray 1- the incident ray , the reflected ray and the normal, at the point of incidence, all lie at the same plane