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it travel in a staight line

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Q: When light is travelling through a medium it travels in a?
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Why is it important to explain the speed of light together with the medium in which the light travels?

The speed of light is dependent on the medium it travels through. Light travels fastest in a vacuum than in water or air.

Does a beam of light have a constant speed?

Light travels at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. However, as light travels through different mediums, it slows down depending on the medium. The crazy thing about light though, is that if it leaves a medium and starts travelling back through a vacuum, it once again goes 299,792,458 meters per second.

Can a tranverse wave propogate without a medium?

light travels as a transverse wave and it can travel without any medium as it does while travelling in space.

What happens to the speed of the light as it travels from the air through the glass and then through the water?

The light refracts due to the change in speed. The change in speed occurs because the light is travelling through a denser medium. So it will travel fastest through the air and slowest through the glass

A disturbance that travels through a medium as a longitudinal wave?

Light does that.

How much the light is bending depends on what?

The amount light bends when travelling through a medium depends on the medium's refractivity or refractive index.

Speed of light travels at minimum?

In general, light propagates at c, the speed of light (that is, 299,792,458m/s), however when travelling through a medium such as an optical fibre, this will decrease, but will still travel at a constant speed dependent upon values such as the materials permittivity and permeability. Light travels easiest through insulating mediums, and cannot travel far through conductors.

Through what medium does light travel?

Light travels through a vacuum, and through the densest metals (though not usually very far). But then gamma radiation and radio waves are examples of light...

When does light travel in a straight line?

travels through a uniform medium

When does light traveling a straight line?

travels through a uniform medium

How does light behaves when it travels from air through glass?

The answer depends on the medium which it then travels through.

What does refracting to light?

Any change in the refractive index of the medium through which the light is travelling causes refraction of light.