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No, limestone is a carbonate rock formed through chemical precipitation. Sandstone is a classification used for sedimentary rocks ranging in various sizes and compositions. Limestone is CaCO3 where as sandstones are usually quartz (SiO2) and feldspars.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Limestone is calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which when heated to above 840°C decomposes into calcium oxide (CaO) while releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) according to the equation: CaCO3 → CaO + CO2.

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15y ago

Heat will not change limestone to sandstone. Heat and pressure could change limestone to marble however.

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7y ago

Limestone is mainly calcium carbonate, when heated it breaks down to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. Calcium oxide reacts with water to become calcium hydroxide

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7y ago

no it turns into lime

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11y ago

Quartzite is metamorphosed sandstone.

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Q: When limestone is heated it become sandstone?
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Does limestone become sandstone when heated?

No. Limestone changes to Marble when it undergoes intense heat and pressure.

When limestone is heated does I become sandstone?

Once burnt limestone turns into calcium oxide which is known as quicklime.

What does sandstone and limestone have in common?

Limestone and sand stone are both sedimentary rocks, and marble is made out of limestone when heated . :) Hope that helped.

What does limestone sandstone and marble have in common?

Limestone and sand stone are both sedimentary rocks, and marble is made out of limestone when heated . :) Hope that helped.

What can sandstone and limestone be heated by?

Any heat source, whether man-made or natural.

What does sandstone and marble have in common?

Limestone and sand stone are both sedimentary rocks, and marble is made out of limestone when heated . :) Hope that helped.

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It is made up of limestone not sandstone

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Sandstone. Limestone is of deeper water formation.

Which does not belong shale limestone sandstone or basalt?

Basalt. Shale, Sandstone, and Limestone are all sedimentary rocks

Is sandstone organic?

Sandstone is not an organic sedimentary rock, but limestone is.

Can sandstone turn in to marble?

No. Limestone turns into marble, not sandstone.