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Q: Does sandstone consist mostly of pieces of seashell?
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Is sandstone or flint harder?

sandstone is not harder than flint because sandstone breaks in to smaller pieces.

A layer of sandstone is in contact with a mass of granite The granite contains small pieces of the sandstone Which rock is older?

The Granite

What type of rock is a sandstone and what is it made up of?

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock and it is made of smaller pieces of rock and is pressed together

What happens to am igneous rock when it is turned to sedimentary rock?

it is ground up into little pieces then glued back together, usually with pieces of different rocks mixes in. I have a nice sample of this that is layered: sandstone, pebble conglomerate, sandstone.

This rock consists of lithified pieces of quartz that are the final results of the weathering of granite?


How can you tell that sandstone is older than a basalt layer?

If the sandstone is below the basalt layer, it is older. Though caution is advised, to make sure it is really a basalt layer and not an intrusion of gabbro. Other indicators that the sandstone is older is evidence of alteration to the sandstone where the two meet (called a "baked contact") and pieces of sandstone being found in the the basalt.

What are two types of minerals that can split apart into very thin flexible pieces?

Shale and Sandstone

What are the uses of gritstone?

Gritstone, a hard course-grained sandstone, was used for grinding things to smaller pieces.

If a mass of granite is in contact with a layer of sandstone that contains small pieces of the granite which rock is older?


The end uprights are what?

consist of two assemblies of two pieces each.

What rock is light Brown small sand sized pieces of quartz cemented together in layers?

Sandstone i believe

How was asandstome formed?

Sandstone rocks are formed from sedimentary rocks. It is when sedimentary rocks are broke down into small pieces.