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This change of phase is called evaporation.

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Q: When liquid water evaporates to water vapor it?
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When water evaporates it changes from what to what?

From liquid to vapor.

How is vapor created?

water that is a liquid, evaporates into the air. and becomes dense forming moisture (water vapor)

When liquid water evaporates it forms an invisible gas called?

water vapor

When liquid water evaporates into a gas it is called?

The phenomenon is called evaporation.

When water evaporates is oxygen emitted?

No. Evaporation is when water liquid changes to water vapor. In the vapor there are still water molecules. The only sense in which there is separation is that water molecules are on average much closer together in the liquid phase than in the gas phase.

What happens when water evaporates to vapor?

A change of phase occur, from liquid to gas.

When the water evaporates what does it become?

Gas. The vapors freely travel through the air and eventually disappear.

What does water vapor become when it evaporates?

when water evaporates it condenses and becomes water vapor:)

How does the volume of liquid water change when it turns to water vapor to?

It's because of the heat until it evaporates

What change of state takes place when something evaporates?

It is changing he element that is a liquid from a liquid to water vapor. A gas.

What is the gas called when liquid evaporates?


When water evaporates what states is it starting in and then turning into?

It starts out as a liquid form (water) and turns into water vapor (steam or clouds)