

When looking at stars do you see the star or its light?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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You see the light it gave off in the past, not now. The star you see now could have died years ago, but its light is still trying to reach earth.

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Q: When looking at stars do you see the star or its light?
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How much light do you actually see looking at a star in the night sky?

As many as the stars.

Why is it impossible to see stars during the day?

You can see the Sun - and that is a star. The light from the sun swamps out the light from the stars, (signal to noise ratio).

Why can't I see the stars when I can see the moon?

Sometimes the brightness of the light from the moon drowns out the star's light.

Why do you see a star how it was?

You see a star as what it used to look like because the light from the stars takes so long to get to Earth. While the light it making its way to Earth the stars are burning out, some of the stars we can see may have been burnt out for millions of years now!

Do stars get their light from the sun?

No. Every star you see produces its own light, just as the sun does. Which isn't surprising when you recall that the sun is a star.

Can you see any planet with your naked eye?

Yea. You can see the light reflecting off a planet and they look like stars. You can tell the diff. by if the 'star' you are looking at twinkles then it is probably a planet.

Do stars exist or are you just seeing the light from an exploding star?

The stars you see at night still exist.

Why do we see star at night?

we only see stars in the sky at night because in the day it is light because of the sun. The stars are very light but the stars can not be seen because of the sunlight. So when it is pitch black you can see the stars so the stars sparkle in the sky without no light showing so its just the stars and the moon lighting up the world!

Why do stars in the sky appear close when they really aren't?

Stars are pretty much the light from stars that died. The light is a supernova and the stars are so far away that it takes a long time for the light to reach us. Once the light reaches us, we won't see that star anymore. If you went up to the "star" there wouldn't be anything there. The light is still traveling toward us, but the star is gone.

How is it possible to see light from a star that is no longer shining?

As light can take millions of years to reach us, then some stars we "see" can actually be dead but we are seeing the light from them as they were many years earlier. So yes, it is possible to see light from a star that is no longer shining.

How do you see the sun moon stars?

By looking up. a star, by definition, is a giant ball of plasma emitting radiation. you can see the closest ones without a telescope. if the question is geared towards how they even emit light for us to see in the first place, well that's self explanatory. just look at the sun, its a star. some stars are many times larger than ours. making it easy to see them just by looking up like the other dude said. the closest star is 4.4 light years away. the ones you can't see are 444 light years away. many moons can be seen from earth. but only ours can be seen without a telescope.

Do stars produce electromagnetic waves?

Didn't you ever see a star? - Light is a type of electromagnetic wave.