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Monomers joined together make a polymer.

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Chauncey Kihn

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Monomers joined together make a polymer.

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Q: When monomers are joined together what do they form?
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Two different monomers joined to each other form?

Two different monomers joined together will form a copolymer.

What do momomers form when they are joined together?

monomers form first oligomers which inturn form polymers

Small unit that can join together with other small units to form a polymer?

Monomer - a small molecule that can bond to other monomers to form a polymer through a process called polymerization.

How many small molecules are joined to form a dimer?

A dimer is formed when two small molecules are joined together through chemical bonds. This results in a molecule consisting of two of the same or different subunits.

What is an example of a monomer and polymer pair?

An example of a monomer and polymer pair is ethylene (monomer) and polyethylene (polymer). Ethylene is a simple hydrocarbon molecule with a double bond that can undergo polymerization to form a long chain of repeating ethylene units, creating the polymer polyethylene.

When monomers are together what do they form?


Explain the connection between monomers and polymers?

Monomers are small molecules that can link together to form larger molecules called polymers through a process called polymerization. Polymers are made up of repeating units of monomers. This connection allows for the creation of complex structures and materials through the assembly of simple building blocks.

How are monomers of organic compounds joined to form the macromolecules?

Monomers group together to form a macromolecule during a process known as polymerization. During this process the indivudual monomers give off a gas which enables them to form a macromolecule.

What joins or links together to form polymers?


When monomers link together the usually form?


Macromolecule formed when monomers are joined together?

A polymer is formed when monomers are joined together through chemical bonds. Polymeric macromolecules can have a wide range of functions and properties depending on the specific monomer units and how they are linked. Examples of polymers in nature include proteins, DNA, and carbohydrates.

Are molecules joined together to form elements?

are molecules are joined together to form elements