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No it can not.

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haha, NO.

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Q: When mosquito blood got into the eyes will it cause Hiv?
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Can mosquitoes spread HIV?

No, mosquitoes drink and consume the blood. They don't inject it into a new person. No one has ever gotten HIV from a mosquito. The short answer is that you cannot get HIV from a mosquito bite. The mosquito itself cannot be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. It cannot spread the virus from one human to another. HIV can be ingested by a mosquito, but it can't infect the mosquito and replicate in it, so the mosquito can't spread HIV. Mosquitoes lack the ability to transmit the HIV virus. Mosquito-HIV transmission has become the ultimate QTND (question that never dies!). See below for a small sampling of what's in the archives. Your HIV risk from smashing a blood-filled mosquito on your leg is exactly zero! There is a technical scientific explanation why this is the case, but it's rather tedious. It involves what happens to HIV once it leaves the human host and enters the mosquito. In addition, there would not be enough HIV to cause an infection via this route. Please note we've been monitoring HIV for over 27 years. This question has been studied from every possible angle. Mosquitoes don't transmit HIV. That is not enough blood to give you HIV. There must be a significant amount for you to get infected and a mosquito cannot give you HIV/AIDS. Besides, the blood doesn't go directly into your bloodstream because the blood from the mosquito might be going into your muscle, fatty layer, etc. It just doesn't work with something as small as a mosquito. HIV does not survive long enough to be transmitted from person to person by a mosquito bite. The disease does not work like that. AIDS attacks cells as a retrovirus. So, it basically works backwards. That and the mosquito has enzymes that break down certain viruses and bacteria. Also, usually after one feast, the mosquito is at its fill. The blood would need to be injected into your body, which is not what happens during a mosquito bite.

Can a mosquitobite can cause HIV?

No, a mosquito will not bite twice. Would you want a second meal after an all you can eat buffet? I wouldn't. Mosquito's are lazy after they get our blood. They need to take it easy. Think about this. When was the last time you saw a mosquito that hasn't bitten someone yet?

Is it true that HIV also infects the blood of mosquitoes and dogs and can be spread by dog bites and mosquito bites?

No, HIV cannot be spread to humans from mosquito bites or dog bites. There are no animals that can infect humans with the HIV virus by biting or scratching them.

Can you catch HIV from a mosiquito?

Mosquito's do not transmit HIV.

Why aids is not cause by mosquito?

Because HIV needs human immune cells to reproduce and does not survive in an insect.

What risks when Spat in the face with blood?

HIV infection possible if that person has HIV and the blood/spit gets into your blood stream through the eyes, mouth or nose. (Or open cuts)

Can anyone become infected with HIV if bitten by a mosquito that came in contact with an HIV infected person?

This is frequently asked question! HIV infection does not transmit by the fleas. They suck the blood of the infected person. When the flea bites you it does not inject back the same blood. You do not get HIV infection that way.

What happens if you eat a mosquito?

First of all you wouldn't want to eat that. But, If you already ate a mosquito then you probably get sick because there is other people's blood inside that mosquito. So not really a good choice..........

Can HIV virus be destroyed by mosquitoes?

I think there must be some relations between mosquitoes and HIV virus because this virus cannot survive in the body of mosquitoes.There may be something that destroyed the virus in the mosquito's body.I think we should do research on the internal and external structure of the mosquito and its physiology.

Why don't we get aids by mosquito bite?

the HIV virus is unable to survive in the mosquito salivary system.

Can a mosquito transmit the aids virus?

That is one of the popular question! Mosquitoes do not transmit the HIV or AIDS virus. The virus gets inactivated in very short time in the body of the mosquito. Secondly the blood sucked by the mosquito goes in the stomach of the mosquito and it does not vomit the same in the body of next victim.

Can blood transfusions cause HIV?

Blood transfusions can't cause HIV, but if a carrier of HIV would donate blood, then whoever gets that blood can catch HIV from the donated blood.It happened a few times when HIV had just started to spread, but nowadays there are testing procedures in place to stop that from happening.