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Q: When multiplying 3 inches by 7 feet you must carry the measurements o the same units?
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When multiplying inches by feet you blank the measurements to the same units?


What are different units of measurements?

Different units in measurement could be inches, centimeters, kilometers ect.

What units are associated with perimeter?

length measurements like inches or feet

How many cubic inches are there in a square foot?

The units are incompatible. Cubic measurements are for volume, square measurements are for area.

When multiplying 3 inches by 7 feet you must blank the measurements to the same units?

The blank in the question sentence should be filled with the word "convert". The units for each value must be the same before a mathematical calculation can be performed on them. Incidentally, the answer to the question is 252 square inches. 7 feet equals 84 inches, then multiplied by 3 results in 252.

What are the units of measurements of an aneroid barometer?

Millibars or inches of mercury are the usual ones.

Explain why perimeter is measured in units and area is measured in square units?

Because the perimeter is a linear measurement, and area is measured by multiplying 2 linear measurements together.

What is 6'2 in kg?

Inches and kilograms are completely different units of measurements. There isn't a way to convert inches into kilograms.

What is the cubic inches of a box that is 12x 32x22?

The answer will depend on the units that are used for the measurements: 12x32x22. There is nothing in the question to indicate whether they are inches or feet, yards or miles, or a mix of units, or even SI units.

1-200 in si units?

1-200 in SI units typically refers to the range of values for measurements such as length, mass, time, etc., which are expressed using the International System of Units (SI). For example, 1-200 meters for length, 1-200 grams for mass, and 1-200 seconds for time.

How you can prove 1yards 36 inches?

Look in any source that lists the units in the English system of measurements. There you'll find the definition of the "yard", which is defined as 36 inches.

What is the volume of the prism has a width of 5 inches a length of 7 inches and a height of 15 inches?

You simply multiply the dimensions together. 5x7x15. Make sure the units match up before multiplying (they do in this example).