

Best Answer

basicly yes!

ANS2:As the skeleton matures the growth plates at the ends of long bones fuse and sessamoidal bones, such as the patella, form. On the whole, more bones fuse than do new bones form so an adult skeleton has fewer bones than an infant's skeleton.
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Q: When newborns are grown into adults do they grow new bones?
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Can bones grow at different rate?

Yes, bones do change and grow. When every one is born they start off life as a baby and as we all know babies are tiny. In order for babies to grow in to children, teens and eventually in to adults their bones have to grow.

How are bones of a baby different from a grown person?

They are still growing so the ends of the bones have growth plates known as epiphyseal plates. Adults have an epiphyseal line where the plate once was.The growth occurs toward the shaft of the bone.Children's bones tend to bend much more than adults' bones before they break. When children's bones do break they heal faster than adult bones.yeswhen you were born you had 300 bones, as you grow older your bones attach to eachother so now you have 260 bones. the diffence may be the size and lenth of bones. adult bones might be a little more bruised and fractured as adults have been in more accidents than children, as adults have had more experience.Diiferentiate the adult bones and child bones

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All cats grow, from newborns to older kittens to adults. Some cats are naturally quite small, but still grow and develop like any other animal.

Is calcium a main element in the human body?

yes, because it helps your bones grow and keeps your blood cells alive. and yes, adults bones DO still grow!

How many teeth do grown ups have?

When grown adults grow all of their teeth they'll have 32 teeth if u loose any of ur adult teeth it WILL NOT GROW BACK!!!!!!!!!!

How many bones in a full grown horse?

There are 205 bones in an adult horse. There are also 205 bones in a juvenille horse. They won't grow more bones as they age.

Why chilrens have more bones?

Babies have more bones than adults because as they grow up, some of the bones fuse together to form one bone ...

Do you have 108 bones in your body?

Yes. But this just apply to adults. For children, they have 206 bones. As their age increase and their bodies develop, their bones (smaller bones) start to grow (combine) together, thus having 108 bones at last.

How much bones do you have when you're a baby?

A newborn baby has around 300 bones.A baby has 300 bones at birth. As they grow older the small bones grow together unil finaly as as an adult there are 206.A baby has about 300 bones at birth. As they grow small bones grow together and as an adult you have 206 bones.

Do you have more bones or muscles in your body?

great question. believe it or not, but the baby state has more bones then adults. it is hard to believe isn't it. but i believe that the bones stretch and some might go away. its hard to believe i know, but you will learn how better than my advice.

Do newborns lactate breast milk?

Babies drink milk all day because they need strong bones.

Why at birth is there 270 bones and only 206 as adults?

Babies have more bones so their bodies are more flexible to fit through the birth canal. As the baby grows the bones join together. A good example of this is the babies head, the bones in the skull are separated until about 18 months. The spaces between these bones in the skull is what is often called a soft spots.