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Q: When particles move to a less concentrated place is called?
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What is the movement of particles from a highly concentrated area to a less concentrated area called?

Actıve absorbtıon

What happened during the diffusion?

the particles tend to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated.

Where is water moving from in osmosis?

It move from the more concentrated place to the less concentrated place.

What is an ampihibians breathing method?

The way amphibians breath is diffusion (when particles, or in this case gas particles, move from a high concentrated area to a less concentrated area) of the skin. They DO have lungs, but have other uses for them.

When a smell spread particles move away from where they originated to where they are relatively 3 of them?

To less concentrated areas

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What process causes particles to move from where there are lots of them to where there are fewer?

When gaseous particles move from a place where there are lots of particles to a place where there are less particles, the pressure in the place that they are leaving decreases, and the pressure in the place that they are going to increases. In general, the particles will keep moving until the pressures in each place are equal.

What is more worst. concentrated acid or dilute acid or acid?

Concentrated acid is generally more harmful than dilute acid. This is because concentrated acid contains a higher concentration of acid molecules, which can cause more severe burns or damage to tissues upon contact. Dilute acid, on the other hand, has a lower concentration of acid molecules and is therefore less harmful. Acid, as a general term, can encompass both concentrated and dilute forms and its harmfulness would depend on its concentration.

What is passive membran transport?

The diffusion of substances across a membrane is called passive transport. Molecules move from where the substance is more concentrated to where it is less concentrated.

Molecules tend to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated This process is called?


Does the process of diffusion include injection of a drug that is hypertonic to the tissues stimulates pain?

diffusion does take place as the injection will move where it is highly concentrated to where it is less concentrated there by distributing the pain.

What are the conditions that exists when diffusion of a particular substance is complete?

Particles tend to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated, a process known as diffusion. When the concentration of a solute is the same throughout a system, the system has reached equilibrium.