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Well a narcissist is a person who loves themselve, so they probaly need attention to boast there already big ego like complaments.For example you are cool

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Q: When people say a narcissist needs attention what kind of attention do they mean?
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What kind of people intimidate the narcissist?

People that don't give them attention. People that don't think they are special in some way. and most of all People who find out what they are and expose them for it. Of course IF you intimidate the narcissist they will go on an endless rampage against you. Engage in smear, projection and blame-shifting against you and otherwise do what they can to destroy you & your reputation for intimidating them. If you do find out you know one or are involved with one, get away as fast as you can and don't look back.

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It's kind of a slang term referring to a problem that needs immediate attention.

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How do you make a narcassist be kind?

You can't. If a person is a true narcissist, you can't 'make' them behave otherwise. Narcissism can only be modified by a professional and then only if the narcissist is motivated to try.

Is it likely that a narcissist would be of the cerebral type in one relationship and somatic in another?

THE NARCISSIST CEREBRAL/SOMATIC AND THE OPPOSITE SEX This chapter deals with the male narcissist and with his "relationships" with women. It would be correct to substitute one gender for another. Female narcissists treat the men in their lives in a manner indistinguishable from the way male narcissists treat "their" women. I believe that this is the case with same sex partners. To re-iterate, Primary Narcissistic Supply (PNS) is any kind of NS provided by people who are not "meaningful" or "significant" others. Adulation, attention, affirmation, fame, notoriety, sexual conquests

What did the Kind Queen do in the medieval thimes?

There were a number of cases of queens who advocated for the common people with their husbands. There were also cases of queens who built hospitals, churches, and monasteries. Attention to the needs of poor people was a regular thing for some of them also, and some were very popular because of this.

What type of people do narcissists look for?

People who have some kind of self esteem issues. Maybe people who think that they're not pretty, skinny, smart maybe all or one or maybe some other reason all together, such individuals would readily worship a Narcissist as they would put that person on a Pedestal. Narcissist thrive on adoration & compliments so they'd probably love to surround themselves with people who fulfill their need for that. Narcissists will look for someone that has an ideal vision of them. Narcissists view people as mirrors that reflect an image back to them so they like to surround themselves with people who reflect back a positive image of themselves so if you act adoring or believe the narcissist is wonderful/great, you will attract their attention. They pick suppy sources who are physically attractive and, often who have a skill/talent in an area they need or admire. It makes them feel good if they can trick and attract the attention of a beautiful women or skilled person but they won't pick someone they feel is more powerful than they are.

What kind of man tells his girlfriend he would like to sleep f with his sales girl until she opens her mouth A narcissist pig?

No, no narcissist pig, just a plain dumb insensitive one.

Would the narcissist exploit the tragedy of others to secure a new Supply Source?

Yes. I compared Narcissistic Supply to drugs because of the almost involuntary and always-unrestrained nature of the pursuit involved in securing it. The narcissist is no better or worse (morally speaking) than others. But he lacks the ability to empathise precisely because he is obsessed with the maintenance of his delicate inner balance through the (ever-increasing) consumption of Narcissistic Supply. The narcissist rates people around him according to whether they can provide him with Narcissistic Supply or not. As far as the narcissist is concerned, those who fail this simple test do not exist. They are two-dimensional cartoon figures. Their feelings, needs and fears are of no interest or importance. Potential Sources of Supply are then subjected to a meticulous examination and probing of the volume and quality of the Narcissistic Supply that they are likely to provide. The narcissist nurtures and cultivates these people. He caters to their needs, desires, and wishes. He considers their emotions. He encourages those aspects of their personality that are likely to enhance their ability to provide him with his much needed supply. In this very restricted sense, he regards and treats them as "human". This is be his way of "maintaining and servicing" his Supply Sources. Needless to say that he loses any and all interest in them and in their needs once he decides that they are no longer able to supply him with what he needs: an audience, adoration, witnessing (=memory). The same reaction is provoked by any behaviour judged by the narcissist to be narcissistically injurious. The narcissist coldly evaluates tragic circumstances. Will they allow him to extract Narcissistic Supply from people affected by the tragedy? A narcissist, for instance, will give a helping hand, console, guide, share grief, encourage another hurting person only if that person is important, powerful, has access to other important or powerful people, or to the media, has a following, etc. The same applies if helping, consoling, guiding, or encouraging that person is likely to win the narcissist applause, approval, adoration, a following, or some other kind of Narcissist Supply from on-lookers and witnesses to the interaction. The act of helping another person must be documented and thus transformed into narcissistic nourishment. Otherwise the narcissist is not concerned or interested. The narcissist has no time or energy for anything, except the next narcissistic fix, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE AND WHO IS TRAMPLED UPON. Based on my book "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited"

How will your ex narcissistic partner affect your family now?

They won't affect it at all if you cut them out and dont' look back. NO CONTACT. They are predatory people who suck their victims dry. Cut them loose and never look back. They will most likely stalk you or be vindictive ( depending on the kind of narcissist they are) and try to GET EVEN...... The others? THey will disappear when they realize they aren't getting any attention.