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When resources can no longer sustain a population, it is referred to as overpopulation. This occurs when the available resources such as food, water, and space are insufficient to support the number of individuals in a given area, leading to negative effects on the environment and quality of life.

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Q: When resources can no longer sustain a population its called?
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How would you describe the increase in population size?

The increase in population size brings about food and water shortages, limits in housing spaces, gives rise to health problems and most of all it hastens environmental degradation and sometimes contributes to natural calamities such as floods and landslides. As mentioned earlier when the population size has increased to a point where the natural resources of the place can no longer adequately meet the basic Needs of the people, the condition is known as overpopulation

When a population graph has a steep j-shaped curve the population is experiencing what?

An exponentially growing population is depicted by a population graph with a sharp J-shaped curve. This indicates that the population is growing rapidly, with an increase in the total number of people over time. In other words, there are no significant barriers to population increase, such as a lack of resources, predators, sickness, or a lack of available space, and the birth rate is larger than the death rate. Long-term, nevertheless, this kind of growth is unsustainable since resources are depleted and the environment can no longer accommodate the expanding population. Once the population has reached its carrying capacity, it will stabilise; if the overshoot is too great, a population crash may occur.

Which is a reason the human population is growing exponentially?

There are enough resources for each new member of the population to use.

What is the population of Nabarro LLP?

As of my last update, Nabarro LLP no longer exists as an independent entity. It merged with CMS Cameron McKenna and Olswang in 2017 to form CMS UK. The population of Nabarro LLP as a standalone entity is not available.

Which continent has highest growth rate?

Africa has the highest population growth rate among continents, with many countries experiencing rapid increases in population due to high birth rates and improving healthcare leading to longer life expectancy.

Related questions

Sustain in a sentence?

To sustain something means to support or keep it going over time, ensuring its continuation or durability.

What problems came up when the population of the certain place increases rapidly?

A1. there will be intense competition for surviving. A2. The population that is increasing rapidly, will consume more resources for that growth. These resources will be thus less available to competing species, and they may be driven to extinction. Further, the resources may not be infinite, and thus the population will no longer be able to sustain itself at the peak level. It will thus decrease in numbers, until consumption does equal the long-run supply.

Why cant the human population keep growing exponentially forever?

The Earth's resources are finite, and continual exponential growth in population would eventually exceed the planet's ability to sustain everyone. This could lead to increased competition for resources, environmental degradation, and pressure on infrastructure and social systems. A stable population size is important for ensuring a sustainable future for both humans and the planet.

What is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using called?

This situation is called underutilization. It can be both beneficial and harmful to a community. It's a benefit in that it saves some resources, but underutilizing resources can cause them to be produced in smaller numbers, leading to an imbalance as the resources are no longer underutilized because there is no longer a surplus.

What is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using is called what?

This situation is called underutilization. It can be both beneficial and harmful to a community. It's a benefit in that it saves some resources, but underutilizing resources can cause them to be produced in smaller numbers, leading to an imbalance as the resources are no longer underutilized because there is no longer a surplus.

. What is using fewer resources than an economy is capable of using called?

This situation is called underutilization. It can be both beneficial and harmful to a community. It's a benefit in that it saves some resources, but underutilizing resources can cause them to be produced in smaller numbers, leading to an imbalance as the resources are no longer underutilized because there is no longer a surplus.

Causes and effects population?

The resources in the land become limited since the land use is no longer enough for agriculture

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smooth muscle

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Yes, the thicker the string, the longer the sustain. string thickness is usually a "player-prefrence" type thing.

What is the highest note sung in nessun dorma?

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