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Q: When rocket lands what force does it have?
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What is a type of rocket that lands like an airplane?

The space shuttle Is a type of rocket that lands like an airplane.

What happens to the first of a multistage rocket?

it is dropped off the rocket and either burns in the atmosphere or lands in the ocean

What is like a type of rocket that lands like an aeroplane?


Why are space shuttles shapped like an airplane?

It is shaped like a airplane as it flies like a rocket in space, but it lands like a plane on a runway , usually Edward air force base.

What force pulls downwards on a rocket as it is launched into space?

the weight of the rocket

Which force will slow the rocket down?

an elephant will slow a rocket down

Where do the rocket exerts force in pressure?

Rockets exert force at the upper part of the combustion chamber. This pushes the rocket forward.

How do action-reaction explain how a rocket lifts off?

As a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases. When the gases are forced out of the rocket, they exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket. A rocket can rise into the air because the gases it expels with a downward force exert an equal but opposite force on the rocket. As long as this upward pushing force, called thrust, is greater than the downward pull of gravity, there is a net force in the upward direction. As a result, the rocket accelerates upwards.-information from Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science

How do action-reaction explain how a rocket lift off?

As a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases. When the gases are forced out of the rocket, they exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket. A rocket can rise into the air because the gases it expels with a downward force exert an equal but opposite force on the rocket. As long as this upward pushing force, called thrust, is greater than the downward pull of gravity, there is a net force in the upward direction. As a result, the rocket accelerates upwards.-information from Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science

When a rocket rises what is the reaction force?

A rocket in space operates off the expelled mass, from the conservation of momentum, dmv/dt = mdV/dt + Vdm/dt =0, The rocket is acceleration is mdV/dt = -Vdm/dt. The exhaust is Vdm/dt which is the force pushing the rocket forward as the exhaust goes out.

How do thrust drag and gravity affect a hydro-rocket?

Thrust - is the force pushing it forwards Drag - the force acting against the rocket Gravity - the force acting upon the rocket trying to push it towards the centre of the earth

What force does a rocket exert?
