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A sedimentary rock is little pieces of other things (other rocks, dead material, or stuff settling out of water) bound together (generally by silica, carbonate, iron oxide, or something else acting like a glue).

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sedimentary rock

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Q: When sediment is deposited in layers than compacted what is formed?
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When sediment is deposited in layers and compacted?

...sedimentary rock is formed. OR ...strata is formed. Try either.

When sediment is deposited in layers what rock is formed?


When sediment is deposited in layers what rock is formed explain your answer?


How are sedimentary formed?

when the bits of the rocks get deposited it forms layers after many years these layers of sediment gets cementated which means gets squashed and compacted which means gets glued and they forms in to sedimentary rocks.thanks for reading

What is organic sedimentary?

a rock formed by unconsolidated sediment deposited in layers

How are layered rocks formed?

Rock layers are formed by sedimentation. Existing rocks weather and erode, are deposited, covered with additional sediments, compacted and cemented together by the precipitation of minerals from the fluids between the particles. There are other instances where layers can be created, such as repeated volcanic eruptions, but the bulk of rock layers are sedimentary in origin.

What is the layer of sediment called?

It is called sedimentation.

What is the Process is which sediment is deposited in layers?


What is process in which sediment is deposited in layers?


How are sedimentary rocks are made?

Sedimentary rocks are made by the majority of the crust are covered by a thin veneer of loose sediment, and the rock which is made as layers of this debris get compacted and cemented together.

Is Waste is deposited into landfills and in thin layers which are then compacted and covered with soil?


Over a long period of time the layers of sediment turn into?

It is sand. Edit: Over many thousands of years - sediment gets compressed and compacted into layers. The layers form rocks such as slate and coal.