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A kid should get a laptop whenever they will need to be doing school projects on the computer. (at least that's when I got my kids laptops) but it is up to the parents

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What do you do if a kid peed on your laptop?

First, check to see if the laptop is working. Then, call the parents of the kid to let them know of what the kid did, and depending on the circumstances (as to whether he did it on purpose or not) find a correct punishment or disciplinary action suitable for him/her.

Can a kid have a laptop?

Yes a kid can have a laptop as long as the parents can monitor what software or programs to install to it and be sure that you'll install parental controls that can be configure in the virus/firewall software so your kid won't be able to go to prohibited websites such as porns.

Who should get a laptop and who should not in office?

the boss should get a laptop and the cleaner shouldn't.

Should i get rid of my TV or get a laptop?

A laptop

How much money would you have to pay a month to have a laptop on everyday?

I don't think you do pay for a laptop. but I'm not sure, I'm just a kid!

Should you get your kid a laptop for good grades?

No I personally don't think you should do so unless your child is in university or collage. I there in grade 12 than yes cause it's a graduation but middle school or any other no.

What is the best gift to give a 20 year old kid?

poo!A laptop or a Smartphone

How much should you pay for laptop?

i think you should pay about $500 for a decent laptop or netbook

When traveling with a laptop you should?

Never check your laptop with your luggage.

What should you look for when you buy laptop bags?

You should look for a laptop bag which holds your laptop snugly with padding. It should also have room for your charging cords and pockets for other storage.

Where to watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2?

on the : tv laptop computor in a room youtube a website

Should you get a laptop or your girlfriend a ring?

it depends on your intentions. a laptop is practical.