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An essay writer should provide a source whenever they are referencing information, data, ideas, or quotes that are not their original creation. Providing sources lends credibility to the essay, acknowledges the original creator's work, and allows readers to verify the information presented.

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Q: When should an essay writer provide a source?
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When would an essay writer not be required to provide a source?

When the writer thinks of an idea him- or herself.

Which information should a writer of an essay provide a source?

A writer should provide a source for any information that is not common knowledge, originates from someone elseโ€™s research or work, or requires evidence for credibility. This includes statistics, facts, quotes, and any specific ideas or arguments that are not the writer's own. Additionally, sources should be cited to give credit to the original author and allow readers to verify the information provided.

Finding the purpose of a source helps the writer of a research report find what?

Finding the reason for why the source was written can reveal the bias of the writer. When writing an essay, you should show multiple sides of arguments.

What does finding the purpose of a source help the writer of a research report find?

Finding the reason for why the source was written can reveal the bias of the writer. When writing an essay, you should show multiple sides of arguments.

Why should a writer address possible criticism when writing a persuasive essay or speech?

To provide evidence for an opponent apex <3

Why should a writer address possible criticism when writing a persuasive speech or essay?

To provide evidence for an opponent apex <3

Where should the writer of a process essay explain the purpose of his or her essay to the essay's readers?

In the thesis at the beginning of the essay

When can an essay writer cite only the page number of a source in parentheses?

An essay writer can cite only the page number of a source in parentheses when the author's name is already mentioned in the sentence preceding the citation. This helps to avoid redundancy and maintain the flow of the writing.

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When should an essay writer choose to include a quotation instead of a paraphrase?

An essay writer should choose to include a quotation when the original wording is particularly powerful, eloquent, or unique and cannot be effectively paraphrased without losing its impact. Quotations are also advised when the exact wording is necessary for accuracy, to support a specific argument, or to provide evidence for a point being made.

What should you do when writing a process essay?

You should never provide a bulleted list of instructions when writing a process essay

A work in which a writer has collected and interpreted the ideas of other writers is best described as a n?

secondary source