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I stopped feeding my female guinea pig alfalfa after 5 months of age. I would ask a vet or a pet store for a professional opinion, though.

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Q: When should stop feeding a baby guinea pig alfalfa hay and food?
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Can baby guinea pigs eat alfalfa sprouts and green pepper?

Green peppers yes, not sure about alfalfa sprouts

When do you stop hand feeding rejected baby guinea pigs?

You stop feeding them when they die.

What kind of hay does a guinea pig eat?

Timothy hay for an adult, alfalfa for a baby. There alternatives for timothy such as oat grass, but timothy hay is really best.

What can you feed a guinea pig?

If they are still with the mother, she will wean them at 3-5 weeks. Provide regular guinea pig food (grass hay, alfalfa pellets, and fresh vegetables) and they will eat it when they are ready. If a baby doesn't eat any regular food within a week, loses weight, or doesn't gain weight, take him to the vet, as he may have a tooth problem, especially if he is all white. Baby guinea pigs also need alfalfa hay to chew on. Once they become adults, however, they should be fed only timothy or another grass hay, such as bluegrass or orchard grass. Alfalfa hay may contribute to bladder stones in adults, which is an ailment to be avoided at all costs. Most pellet-type foods found in pet stores are made of alfalfa hay, and poor quality anyway. Oxbow Hay makes the best pellets (Cavy Performance, which is alfalfa-based, and Cavy Cuisine, which is timothy-based) and a variety of good hays. KM's Hayloft sells timothy, bluegrass, and alfalfa hays. The mother will feed the pups and wean them on her own. Always have fresh veggies, high quality pellets, and Timothy hay available to them so they can start to nibble on food when they are ready to. They can eat pelleted foods almost immediatley from birth but they will Prefer mothers milk the first few weeks. When feeding Pellets NEVER BUY FOOD THAT SAYS IT IS FOR RABBITS ALSO. This food can harm a piggy due to vitamins/antibiotics the companies place in the food when they make it. These are TOXIC (poisonous) to a small baby Guinea Pig. A baby guinea pig is much like any other baby animal, until it is a certain age it will only drink milk from its mother but after about 4 weeks tthey should be able to nibbble soome carrot or apple

How often should you change baby bottle nipples?

You should change them after every feeding because they should be washed after every feeding.

Should you deliver the baby if the guinea pig is bleeding and not having them on her own?

i need help with my guinea pig

Can you buy baby guinea?

Yes, of course you can! Just go to your local pet store and surely they should have some little baby guinea pigs!

What should baby guinea pigs eat when mum rejects them?

they should eat the normal guinea pig food and drink from the water bottle.

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Can you take a baby guinea pig away from there mum at 10days old?

You should keep the baby guinea pigs with their mothers until they are around 3-5 weeks!

Does the father have to stay away from his baby guinea pigs?

Yes,he should be separated from the mother as well as the babies because he can cause serious problems to the babies such as pregnant among baby Guinea Pigs,injuries,etc. When the babies are at two weeks old,you should distinguish between male and female baby Guinea Pigs and separate the male baby Guinea Pigs from the females.You can put the male babies with their father and the baby females with their mother.

What if baby's mother dies and what to feed baby guinea pig?

If a baby guinea pig's mother dies, you should feed it mashed bananas, mashed cucumbers, and almond milk all mixed together and fed by a baby spoon.