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Q: When should the incompatibility test be done with hair?
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Why is a hair incompatibility test done?

Incompatibility tests are done to check the hair for substances, chemicals, minerals and salts that could have an adverse reaction to the hair when a new chemical is applied on. Incompatibility tests are usually done by mixing hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of ammonia and applied onto the hair. Leave on for a few minutes and observe if there is any reactions.

Why is a strand test done?

A strand test is done to see how strong the hair is, and if the hair will break off or is brittle. - Olivia K R

What are the expected results for incompatibility test?

No Reaction At All.

Why is a porosity test done on hair?

to test the hair to see if its damaged and able to have the treatment done, if the hair stands up once it have been pulled back by finger and the thumb then the hair is porus.

How do you do a Incompatibility hair test?

You have to mix 2 ml of peroxide with 2ml of perm lotion. Put the hair in the mixture: if there is any heat, smell, smokeing or bubbleing do not carry on with any chemical processes such as perm or colour.

Can a hair test detect past 1 year?

Yes, a drug test done on hair can go back as far as they cut, but typically they test the hair closest to the scalp which has the newest cells.

What test is done before perming the hair?

They should make two tests. One is a patch test to be sure you're not sensitive to the products. The other is a curl test to see how well your hair will take curl from whatever perm solution they're thinking of using.

Why should a preliminary strand test be give before the application of a tint?

to determine what effect the tint might have on the hair. without the strand test, if the effect were undesirable, by the time the shampoo and the application were done, it would be too late if there were damage to the hair.

How long does it take for drugs to get out of the hair stream before a hair drug test is done on a newborn?

This is sad.

How is a strand test done when coloring hair?

A strand test is done during the coloring process by removing some of the color from a small section of hair in order to check it. A dry towel is used to remove the color and if the hair is not at the desired level, the color is reapplied onto the strand used for the test.

Can drugs be found in chemically processed hair?

Yes they can if a strand test is done.

Why cant hydrogen peroxide be put on the hair if there is a positive reaction to an incompatibility test?

If a client has tested positive to an allergy test from peroxide, he or she could have a severe allergic reaction if applied to the scalp. It is advised not to use this product and to try a semi or demi permanent activatorlotion instead.