

When should the koala be extinct?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Given the current protection laws applied to koalas, they are not likely to become extinct at any time in the near future.

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Q: When should the koala be extinct?
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The koala is not extinct, it is not even endangered. They are considered to be "Secure".

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The koala is not an endangered species.

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It isn't.The koala is native to Australia alone and has not been introduced to any other country.With the advent of white settlement in Australia, the koala became extinct in South Australia, but new colonies have been reintroduced to parts of that state.

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You could call a koala webkinz sleepy or snorty.

When was the koala in danger of extinction?

During the late 1800's, koalas became an export commodity for their fur, mostly for export to the USA. Due to koala numbers dwindling and public outrage, laws were enacted protecting the koala and imports were banned by the USA in the late 1920's. The koala is not extinct, it is not even endangered. They are considered to be "Secure".

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No white tigers should not be extinct.

Are koalas extinct as of the year of 2010?

No, koalas are not extinct; nor have they ever been close to extinction. They are a protected species, and while their numbers are falling, they are not yet even classified as endangered, despite lobbying by conservation groups. Habitat destruction and disease are two threats to the koala. See the related question below for more details about how to protect the koala.

What would happen to a koala's biome if it was extinct?

Although the koala is not endangered, and unlikely to become extinct anytime soon, the main cause of any future extinction would be habitat loss anyway, so the question is purely academic. The koala's biome still exists (except for where it has been removed by Man for housing developments) even after koalas in a particular area have gone, their populations ravaged by domestic dogs, foxes and cars. Greater gliders and ringtail possums eat eucalyptus leaves, so the koala's role in its niche is readily fulfilled by other native species.