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Depends what your wanting to call one for, but when you notice an issue, try to find out the issue, id get it fixed as soon as possible, so the problem doesn't get worse. But if its something as simple as the Sink Disposal isn't working, then shut off the power to your home by locating the power box, and flipping the "Main" switch to "Off" then all power is off and you cant get harmed in anyways. Then you can start to look at your Disposal, If you see bad wires then cut off the wire that's bad, then go and get wire that will work and Splice the wires together, Google splice if you don't know what it is, its basically twisting the positive/negative wires to the other Positive/Negative wires and id also Recommend putting a Wire Nut on the Twisted wires, then make them facing opposite ways (One facing down, One facing up) // (Positive Up, Negative Down) Then i highly recommend putting electrical tape around the wire when your done, or atleast the part(s) that you spliced. Then flip the main switch to "On" and test your disposal or object that isn't working. So if you do it yourself you spend 10-15 dollars max, have a technician do it? your looking at 150-200 dollars. Its usefull to know simple things like these to save money.

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