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They are said to be capable.

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Q: When some one has the ability to do something they are?
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The correct answer is A. The ability to do something.

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Psychic ability is something that one is born with and that is cultivated from an early age. There is a theory that we all are born with some ability, which is quickly squashed by those around us. Psychic ability is not something that can be learned in a class; it is considered a gift. While there are many scams as there are gullible, desperate individuals, there are also those psychics who have solid reputations. But it isn't a craft that can be learned.

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Some of the techniques and skills that one needs in football is the ability to hit and take a hit. The ability to tackle below the waist. Lastly the ability to catch or block when needed.

What is ableness?

Ableness is the ability to do something or the ability of body and mind.

What is something?

something is a thing that is some. or one thing that is not everything else.

What is ability?

Being able to or having the capacity/power to do something (well); it can be mental or physicalcl. Cleverness, intelligence or talent of something.

What is the definition of ability?

the capacity to do something

What is the definition of understanding?

Understanding is based on one's comprehension and discernment of someone or something. An ability to understand the meaning or importance of something. You might say "I know what you or it means".

Is solubility something mixed?

Close. Solubility is the ability of one substance to dissolve in another at a given temperature and pressure.