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Q: The ability of something to conduct heat or sound is an example of one of its properties?
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Does electricity flow through stone?

Stone is a bad conductor of heat and electricity so very very less or no electricity will flow Most stones does not conduct electricity since they are non-metallic and non-conductive especially when dry. However, when wet there is a bigger possibility to conduct electricity, but it is due to water not of the stone. On the other hand, some stones which are called gemstones or crystallized stones conduct electricity, it is called piezoelectric crystals. To give you an example of crystals, quartz, topaz,and tourmaline are known for their piezoelectric effect.

Can you be a conductor of electricity while wearing rubber boots?

Of course you can. It just can't enter or leave your body through your feet. But you can still conduct plenty of electricity, and hurt yourself badly, if it goes in one hand and out the other, for example, straight through your heart.

What is the ability called when heat or electricity passes through?

Conductor Some materials are conductors of Heat OR Electricity. But the property is not the same for one material; example glass is a good conductor of heat but a poor conductor of electricity.

What materials do not allow the flow of electrical current?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. Good insulators are materials that do not allow the flow of electrons (current). Examples are rubber plastic, nylon, glass, ceramic, rubber, dry wood, air.

Can you use zener diode for rectification purpose?

Yes **************************************** Yes they can but there are pitfalls. A normal diode will have a high reverse breakdown voltage. A zener has a relatively low breakdown voltage (its "zener"voltage). If a zener diode is used as a rectifier it must have a zener voltage at least twice the peak of the applied a.c.

Related questions

Is the ability to burn an example of physical properties?

No , it is chemical property .

What is the difference from chemical properties and physical properties?

here is one example physical properties conduct eletricty while chemical properites do not. I hope tis helped! :)

Is conduct elections a concurrent power?

No, the power to conduct elections would be an example of a reserved power. The ability to take private property for the purpose of public use is an example of a concurrent power.

What does conduire mean in science?

I'm guessing that what you meant to say was 'conduct', meaning the ability of something to allow something else to pass it. Something that conducts electricity for example is a copper wire. A copper wire will allow electricity to pass it easily. The opposite of conducting is insulating. Something that insulates heat for example would be something like a blanket which stops heat from escaping

How much electricity can metal conduct?

It depends on the type of metal. The ability of a metal to conduct electricity is one trait that identifies a metal. For example, copper can conduct electricity very well (better than most metals).

What does appearance and properties mean?

Appearance means what it looks like, Property's means what can it do for example is it hard or soft, does it conduct electricity, is it malleable. etc.

Is malleability an example of physical properties or chemical properties?

Malleability is a degree of softness allowing something to be reshaped. Therefore it is a physical property.

What is a non example of properties?

Properties is something owned or being a characteristic of the describing subject. In case of air, pressure, temperature, density etc would be its' properties but the name "Air" itself is not the properties.

What transmits electricity?

All metals conduct electricity, some much better than others. One of the properties that defines a metal is that it must conduct electricity.

What is Malleability and Ductility?

Malleability is how malleable an object is, for example a metal is malleable as it can be hammered or bent into different shapes without breaking. Ductility is how ductile an object is, again many metals are ductile as they can be drawn or pulled into a long strand of wire without breaking.

How do things conduct electricity?

To conduct electricity you have to have a power source and a ground. For example if you stick something metal into a house wall socket while holding onto it, the socket is the power source and you become the ground.

Why do materials conduct electricity?

For a material to conduct electricity , it has to be impure , so for example pure silicon cannot conduct electricity but Silicon chips in computers that are mixed with other things can. So the materials that conduct are charged with little particles that allow the flow of electricityBecause of electrolytes. Or because of the metal something is made of.