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My grandmother told me that if you dream someone is pregnant that there would be bad news to follow even possibly a death. Sure enough, over the years I found this to be true. I have had many dreams of different people around me being pregnant and within 3 days I would hear of a death or bad news like someone was in the hospital or had a serious accident. My grandmother would also say to avoid this tell someone immediately when you have the dream so that it won't happen. I used to dismiss it and learned over the years when I ignored it and did not tell anyone people around me would die or there would be really bad news. Likewise if you dream of weddings they are also bad news. I am not trying to scare anyone but the next time you have a dream of someone getting married or someone who is pregnant and you choose not to say anything just be mindful for 3 days of what news comes to you.

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Dreams are about the dreamer. In someone else's dream, "you" are a symbol representing something about the dreamer. The dream provides no reliable information about you. For examples and discussion of dreams about pregnancy and babies, see the attached link below.

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What does it means when you dream of being pregnant or have a dream of someone else being pregnant?

It probably means that you have an urgent desire to become pregnant and that you have talked about this longing with other people. However, dreams are not a reliable means of predicting pregnancy. Moreover, when other individuals dream about you being pregnant, their dreams are not actually about you, but about something happening in their own lives. If you are sexually active and fear becoming pregnant, the wisest course of action is to use birth control. If you do want to become pregnant, you might want to consult a medical professional to determine whether you have a physical problem that makes pregnancy difficult for you.

How is having vivid dreams a sign of being pregnant?

Vivid dreams are not a reliable sign of pregnancy although many pregnant women have vivid dreams. Similarly, many pregnant women are also unusually hungry, but all people who are unusually hungry are not pregnant. Neither dreams nor hunger are reliable symptoms of pregnancy.

What does it mean when a family member dreams of you being pregnant with a baby boy?

Usually nothing. It could just be them wanting you to be pregnant, or just a freak thing. My mother dreams of me being pregnant quite frequently but I am no where near ready for a child right now.

Is dreaming about being pregnant good?

Dreaming about being pregnant is neither good nor bad, it simply happens. In fact, dreams of being pregnant are quite common, particularly among adolescent girls. But anyone, including men, can dream of being pregnant when they are "developing" something that is important. The webpage linked below has examples and discussion of various types of pregnancy dreams.

What does it mean when you dream of someone pregnant but they already are haven a baby?

Dreams are not necessarily consistent with reality and are not governed by logic. A pregnant person might appear in a dream as a symbol of something being "developed" or "coming into being." In this way, the subconscious mind uses literal images to present metaphors. In dreams, a man might be pregnant and give birth to a book or a house. That would represent the struggle and effort involved in producing a novel or constructing a building. In dreams, anything can happen.

What does it mean when someone dreams you are pregnant by your husband and we have been apart for six years now?

Dreams are about the dreamer. So if another person dreamed that you were pregnant, in the dream "you" represent something about the dreamer herself.

What does it mean when someone dreams about someone being pregnant?

These kind of dreams can be driven by a strong emotional state or feeling, usually a personal fear or a desire, only you will know the answer, when you realise your true feelings but remember, not all dreams have meaning, some are what they seem, mixed-up nonsense. they have a purpose that is not open to meaningful interpretation.

What does it mean when someone close to you dream about you being pregnant?

Dreams are about the person having the dream. So this other person's dream is about that person, not you.

What does it mean if a person dreams you pregnant?

Each dream is about the dreamer. In any other person's dream, "you" are an image that represents the dreamer in some way. So if someone dreams that you are pregnant, that dream reflects something about that dreamer, not about you.

What does it mean when a baby is pregnant in your dreams?

Pregnancy in dreams is often a symbol for a project or task that is in the process of development. A baby can represent the same thing or it could represent an immature, vulnerable or helpless part of the self. Combined, a pregnant baby suggests that some idea or project is being developed by someone (the dreamer) who is not prepared to do such a thing.

What is the meaning of a hawk or owl flying over head while dreaming of being pregnant?

Not all dreams have special significance. Dreams of being pregnant - if the dreamer is not expecting a baby- are usually about an idea, project or task of the dreamers. The bird might suggest "higher" interest in the project, in the sense of supervisors.

What does it mean to dream of being pregnant and feeling the actual dream that you are pregnant?

Dreams about being pregnant and/or having a baby almost always are metaphors for some object or task that needs to be developed and brought to completion in your life. ... BUT, if you are a sexually active female of childbearing age, you should consider getting a pregnancy test, because dreams often reflect bodily conditions.