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don't tell any one and RUN the other way as fast as you can

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Q: When something breaks in the lab what is the best thing to do?
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magnify glass
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If you get something in your eyes in the lab what is the most important thing to do?

use eye wash station

Is tight fitting clothing of rayon or polyester the best thing to wear in a chemistry Lab?

Yes. Because you should not wear loose clothing or something danerous could happen!

If you get something in your eye in the lab what is the most important thing to do?

immediately wash it with fresh water or saline solution.

What should you do if something breaks during a lab?

If it is a glass, or a test tube, make sure you tell a teacher or report it to any member of staff and make sure no one goes near it, as it could be toxic. Once you have told someone you should very carfully clear it up. I hope this helps!!

What is a snow lab?

a snow lab is a thing which pridicts avalanches.

Why is it necessary to tell the teacher if glass breaks in the lab?

To avoid accidents and damages.


Sorry there is no such thing as "auxiling" lab apparatus.

What did the sky lab do?

The sky-lab did the same thing a space station would do

How much do you feed an underweight lab?

There is no such thing as an underweight lab; this is a trick question.

What is the first thing you do before starting a lab?

The first thing you do is make sure you have safety gear on lab coat, goggles , etc

What are lab experiments?

its when you are in a lab and your doing a experiment on a animal or chemicals or on something sientific

My black lab was playing yesterday and hurt his tail.I think it is dislocated.I dont know what to do besides take him to the vet?

There is no other thing you can do.The best thing is to take him to the vet.