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Q: When something warm touches your skin you feel warmth When something cold touches your skin you feel coldness If things both warm and cold touch your skin stimulating adjacent thermoreceptors for?
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Is there such a thing as coldness in science?

no there is not a such thing as coldness in science or in America, or Japan or in lala land no where!!! coldness is the absence of heat. i mean u could put carbon and friction and gas together and make heat but what can u put together to make coldness think about it when you are out side on a sunny day and you are sweating and then the sun goes behind a cloud and every thing cools but what is there to cooling every thing nothing its not something that comes its something that goes that decreases the temperature get it??? if no I'm sorry!TO condense the above answerThere is no such thing as coldness What we call cold is low temperatureIt is very very cold in outer space but as I said no such thing as coldness

What concept is based on the sensation of hotness and coldness?

Human sensation decides whether or not something is hot or cold

What was the coldness people died of in the sea?

coldness the word is called hypothermia (:

Does rice hold coldness?

I meant does raw rice hold coldness?

What sentences can coldness be used in?

"The wet towel trapped the coldness inside the water bottle" " The coldness surrounded us in the winter" etc....What grade are you in?

How does temperatures affect the density of most substances?

if something is more dense it flows the opposite of where the heat is given or the opposite with the coldness

How do you use the word coldness in a sentence?

i feel the coldness of the night in the christmas eve.

What does coldness mean?

Cold means having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness

Can rock keep something cold without ice?

it can keep it cold because the rock can keep the coldness and take the heat away=p<3

Is coldness a chemical change?


How does meteorologist measure he hotness and coldness of the air?

They use "thermometers", and they report the hotness and coldness in terms of "temperature" units.

Does the temperature indicates a degree of hotness or coldness of an object?

Temperature indicates both a degree of hotness and coldness of an object