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Q: When sound is moving forwards and backwards what is it called?
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What moves backwards and forwards in sound?

The atoms of the particular medium in which the sound is produced moves backward and forwards in sound.

What do you call a words that sound the same backwards as spoken forwards?

Words that sound the same backwards as spoken forwards are called palindromes, such as "radar" or "level."

Do microphones use electromagnets?

The microphone works by producing a small induced voltage in a coil from the effect of sound waves hitting a diaphragm. It is very similar to a loudspeaker in reverse with a diaphragm instead of a paper cone. This type of microphone is called a moving coil microphone. The sound waves strike the diaphragm and move it backwards and forwards at the same frequency as the sound (like the way the ear drum is moved inside the ear). The moving diaphragm moves the coil backwards and forwards which induces a changing current at the same frequency as the sound. This changing current (called the signal) is sent to an amplifier which makes the changing current big enough to be used for recording or to drive loudspeakers. The loudspeaker reconverts the changing current back into the original sound. A microphone converts the sound energy into electrical energy.

What is tympanum system?

The tympanic membrane, or ear drum. A thin piece of skin inside the ear that moves backwards and forwards when sound waves reach it

When your forward your backwards and when your back wards your not?

(Say it by sound) backwards

Why isn't palindrome a palindrome?

Because it doesn't read the same way backwards and forwards. A word does not need to be an example of its definition. Do you ever wonder why the word "abbreviation" is so long or why "onomatopoeia" doesn't sound like anything?

How do you scratch backwards in VirtualDJ LE using Numark Mixtrack It wont let me scratch backwards but it will let me scratch forwards help please?

No sound on the back pull of a scratch is because the Smart Scratch feature is active. Select the Scratch Panel and make sure Smart Scratch locks are grey.

What are sound waves made by an object moving faster than the speed of sound called?

at the speed of sound a shock wave is created; faster than sound the sound is behind you and it is called a sonic boom

What are Waves that move the particles of the medium parallel to the direction in which the waves are traveling called?

Longitudinal. An example of a longitudinal wave is sound. It pushes the medium particles forwards and backwards, parallel to the wave's direction. Transverse waves cause particles to move perpendicular to the wave. (E.g. visible light, x-rays, microwaves)

In which type of waves do the particles in a medium vibrate in the same direction the wave is moving?

Longitudinal. An example of a longitudinal wave is sound. It pushes the medium particles forwards and backwards, parallel to the wave's direction. Transverse waves cause particles to move perpendicular to the wave. (E.g. visible light, x-rays, microwaves)

What is the sound of bird?

tweet!tweet! Tweet! Tweet! is not a Palindrome. The word tweet is not spelled the same both forwards and backwards.

Does wearing headphones backwards make the audio backwards?

No it just means that in stereo the left sound will be in the right ear and the right sound in the left.