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With my second pregnecy I felt different within three days. I had given up on getting pregnant so it was a shock. I checked with the Dr. and I was pregnant!

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Q: When sperm and egg meet how soon will you feel symptoms?
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How soon do you start to see symptoms?

it depends on what symptoms you are talking about

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How soon can you have pregnancy symptoms?

you can have pregnancy symptoms as early as 3 weeks!

If your boyfriend came in you can you get pregnant 5 weeks later?

Conception in humans occurs fairly soon after the sperm fertilizes the egg. It is almost impossible to have the sperm hanging around for five weeks before it fertilizes the egg.However, it may be five weeks or longer before you notice symptoms.

How soon can you have symptoms of pregnancy?

As soon as you get pregnant. I started getting symptoms when i was a month I was always sick i guess it really depends on the person.

When are sperm cells able to swim?

as soon as they are produced

How soon can you feel early pregnancy symptoms.. I'm not supposed to start my period for another week and a half but am already feeling symptoms. Is this possible?

It is unlikely that you would be having pregnancy symptoms a week and a half before your expected period because that would be only a few days after concieving.

Can you get symptoms of pregnancy when your really not?

Yes you can. If you get it into your head that you think you're pregnant then you feel like you're getting the symptoms... Several times I've had a very late period and i convinced myself i was pregnant; feeling sick etc until i took a test. It came out negative and as soon as i'd seen that result i no longer had symptoms!

How soon do you know if your pregnant?

Soon as you feel your body changing

What hppens if sperm goes on your body?

If the sperm goes in a girl's body, they will get pregnant soon. but if in a guy's body, i dont know. lol :)

How can you recover your health because you have lost several times your sperm?

Absolutely not, health will never be recovered after sperm loss. You will die soon.