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Q: When stacking bags of dog food the heaviest items should be placed at the bottom Starting at the bottom in what order should bags of dog food weighing 25 pounds 20 pounds 30 pounds and 28 pounds?
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Uub and Uuq are listed on most periodic tables as the heaviest elements. (You can check the number at the bottom of the box, that is its atomic mass or weight

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Gravity !... Gravity draws everything towards the centre of the Earth - therefore the heaviest materials are closer to the core.

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What is the world record for cup-stacking 6 cup?

If you are referring to the 6 stack in which there are 3 cups on the bottom, 2 in the middle, and 1 on top, then there is no offical wssa (world sport stacking association) record for that as it is not an offical event. The offical events are 3-3-3, 3-6-3, cycle, doubles, and team. The current records can be found at

Flat bottom boat starting with the letter d?

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Do radium have a small atomic number?

No. In fact radium is at the bottom of the periodic table where the heaviest elements are. Its atomic number is 88 (compare with carbon, the standard element; atomic number 6)

How much does a column of your atmosphere weigh?

If you're weighing it at sea level, then it weighs roughly 14.6 pounds for every square inch of area that the bottom of the column rests on.