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No. When Sulphur burns it turns into Sulphur Dioxide. It does not become an alkaline gas, but combines with water to form Sulphuric Acid - as in acidic rain Aliyah. Hope it helps

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3d ago

No, when sulfur burns, it forms sulfur dioxide gas, which is acidic in nature. This gas can react with water vapor in the air to form sulfuric acid, further enhancing its acidic properties.

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10y ago

Burning Sulphar can make SO2 and SO3.They are strong acidic gases.

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Q: When sulfur burns does it form an alkaline gas?
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Gas formed when sulfur burns in air?

When sulfur burns in air, it forms sulfur dioxide gas (SO2). Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a pungent smell and is a major air pollutant. It can react with moisture in the air to form sulfuric acid, contributing to acid rain.

What happens when sulfur burns?

When sulfur burns, it reacts with oxygen in the air to form sulfur dioxide gas. This reaction produces a blue flame and emits a distinctive odor. The sulfur dioxide gas can also combine with moisture in the air to form sulfuric acid, leading to potential environmental impacts.

Which gas is produced when burning sulfur?

When burning sulfur, sulfur dioxide gas is produced. This gas has a strong odor similar to burnt matches and can be harmful to human health and the environment.

Is the burned sulfur mixed with distilled water acid or base?

When sulfur burns and is mixed with distilled water, it forms sulfuric acid, which is a strong acid.

What burns to form acidic gas?

Sulfur-containing compounds like sulfur dioxide (SO2) can burn to form acidic gases when combined with oxygen in the air. These acidic gases can contribute to air pollution and acid rain.

What element is a yellow solid found as an impurity in coal it burns to produce a bad smelling gas which when combined with water produces acid rain?

The element is sulfur. When coal containing sulfur is burned, it forms sulfur dioxide, a gas that reacts with water in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid, a major component of acid rain.

What gas is formed when sulfur burns?

Sulfur dioxide is formed when fuels containing sulfur compounds are burned

How do you neutralize sulferdioxide gas in power stations?

Sulfur dioxide gas in power stations can be neutralized by using a process called flue-gas desulfurization (FGD), which involves reacting the gas with an alkaline solution, commonly limestone slurry, to form calcium sulfite or sulfate. This reaction removes sulfur dioxide from the gas stream, reducing its harmful effects on the environment.

Is molten lava burning sulfur?

Lava is actually just rock in its liquid form - it's not sulfur. If it were, you would know it because at the temperature of lava, it burns and produces the nasty-smelling gas sulfur dioxide. You'll start gagging and coughing from the smell when you get anywhere near a molten-sulfur flow.

What happens if you put sulfur in water?

When sulfur is placed in water, it reacts to form sulfur dioxide gas and hydrogen sulfide gas. The sulfur dioxide gas is responsible for the characteristic odor often associated with this reaction.

How is sulphur dioxide prepared in laboratory?

Sulfur dioxide can be prepared in the laboratory by reacting sulfur with oxygen or air. This reaction is typically carried out in a combustion chamber where sulfur burns in the presence of excess oxygen to form sulfur dioxide gas. The gas can then be collected using a suitable apparatus.

Can sulfur burn?

Yes, sulfur can burn and produce a blue flame and sulfur dioxide gas when ignited.