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For the safety of findings it is recommended to do more tests.

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Q: When testing for chemical properties of a substance will one test be enough?
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Is there a way to decide whether a chemical is a gas or liquid just by looking at its physical properties?

If the property can be observed without changing the chemical composition of the substance, then it is a physical property. If the property can be observed only through a chemical reaction, then it is a chemical property.

Which substance has a chemical composition similar enough to dopamine to allow it to fit the dopamine receptor sites in the brain?


Why would it probably be difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of a newly discovered synthetic element?

Any newly discovered synthetic elements are extremely radioactive and have extremely short half-lives and only a few atoms at most can be produced. At the moment, science is not able to isolate enough for a long enough time. Therefore, it would be difficult to collect and keep enough of the element to determine its chemical and physical properties.

How does a chemical change in matter form a new substance?

Chemical bonds in the starting substances must break. molecules are always moving. if the molecules bump into each other with a enough energy, the chemical bonds in the molecules can break. the atoms then rearrange, and new bonds form to make new substances.

Is mixing milk and chocolate syrup a chemical change?

A chemical change involves a change in a substance's chemical make-up or conversion to a different substance. A physical change is one that involves changes in a substance's physical makeup that is not brought about by a chemical change, such as sugar dissolving in water. Therefore, mixing milk and chocolate syrup is not a chemical change. Now, if for some reason the syrup had a strong enough acid in it, and mixing the two made the milk curdle or solidify, then yes, it would be a chemical change.

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What is combustion burning?

Combustion or burning is the chemical reaction of a substance in the presence of oxygen. This can be understood with a simple example. Fire is not enough to burn a paper, it also require oxygen in air. During burning or combustion, heat energy is generated and physical and chemical properties of substance are changed.

Is the ability to react with other substances a physical property or a chemical property?

The ability of a substance to react with another is a chemical property. Chemical properties can only be known by the occurrence of chemical reactions. Since a chemical reaction must be carried out to find if two substances reaction, this property is a chemical is a chemical property :)

Is there a way to decide whether a chemical is a gas or liquid just by looking at its physical properties?

If the property can be observed without changing the chemical composition of the substance, then it is a physical property. If the property can be observed only through a chemical reaction, then it is a chemical property.

Which substance has a chemical composition similar enough to dopamine to allow it to fit the dopamine receptor sites in the brain?


Which set of properties does a substance such as carbon dioxide gas have?

The properties of a substance include: what is its phase (solid, liquid, or gas) at room temperature, or at other temperatures; what is its melting point and boiling point; what is its electrical conductivity, its solubility in water or in other solvents, its hardness (in the case of a solid - and anything except for helium can be solid, if the temperature is low enough), what is its chemical reactivity, does it tend to donate electrons or receive electrons when it undergoes a chemical reaction, what kinds of bonds does it tend to form, how dense is it at room temperature, and of course, the old favorite, what is its color, etc.

How can we obtain pure substances from a mixture?

A pure substance is a sample of matter, either an element or a compound, that consists of only one component with definite physical and chemical properties and a definite composition.Here's an example: Grape juice is a mixture, but not a pure substance because if you leave it out long enough, it will begin to separate. If you can think of a mixture that has the qualities of that definition, then answer is yes. If you were think about juice, the answer is no. Hope that helps!

Why would it probably be very difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of a newly discovered element?

Any newly discovered synthetic elements are extremely radioactive and have extremely short half-lives and only a few atoms at most can be produced. At the moment, science is not able to isolate enough for a long enough time. Therefore, it would be difficult to collect and keep enough of the element to determine its chemical and physical properties.

Why would probably be very difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of a newly discovered synthetic element?

Any newly discovered synthetic elements are extremely radioactive and have extremely short half-lives and only a few atoms at most can be produced. At the moment, science is not able to isolate enough for a long enough time. Therefore, it would be difficult to collect and keep enough of the element to determine its chemical and physical properties.

Why would it probably be very difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of the newly discovered synthetic element?

Any newly discovered synthetic elements are extremely radioactive and have extremely short half-lives and only a few atoms at most can be produced. At the moment, science is not able to isolate enough for a long enough time. Therefore, it would be difficult to collect and keep enough of the element to determine its chemical and physical properties.

Why would it probably be difficult to determine the chemical and physical properties of a newly discovered synthetic element?

Any newly discovered synthetic elements are extremely radioactive and have extremely short half-lives and only a few atoms at most can be produced. At the moment, science is not able to isolate enough for a long enough time. Therefore, it would be difficult to collect and keep enough of the element to determine its chemical and physical properties.

How does a chemical change in matter form a new substance?

Chemical bonds in the starting substances must break. molecules are always moving. if the molecules bump into each other with a enough energy, the chemical bonds in the molecules can break. the atoms then rearrange, and new bonds form to make new substances.

Is mixing milk and chocolate syrup a chemical change?

A chemical change involves a change in a substance's chemical make-up or conversion to a different substance. A physical change is one that involves changes in a substance's physical makeup that is not brought about by a chemical change, such as sugar dissolving in water. Therefore, mixing milk and chocolate syrup is not a chemical change. Now, if for some reason the syrup had a strong enough acid in it, and mixing the two made the milk curdle or solidify, then yes, it would be a chemical change.