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Q: When thawing tsc food under running water the temp must not exceed?
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What is wrong with thawing out shrimp in a sink of hot water?

Most thawing instructions I have seen for shrimp is to not quick thaw under running water. That can make the shrimp pick up water and literally water-down the flavor. Hot water thawing is not recommended for the same reasons and could result in even more water absorption. Usually, though, the main concern with thawing out food in hot water is that the outside gets warm enough to grow bacteria before the inside thaws.

What 2 agents of weathering would be rare in a desert?

running waterfreezing and thawing

What should be the correct temperature of running water which is used for thawing?

It depends upon what you are using it for. I generally use room temperature water for cooking.

How does thawing and freezing of water cause weather?

by the coldness of freezing and the warmness of thawing

What is the proper technique for thawing frozen food?

cool running water works best...NOT warm...micro-organisms grow and the water could partially cook the food prematurely=food poisoning. Not Bueno. The safest way to thaw food is to put it in the refrigerator.

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Not unless it's running with sperm!

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Weathering process constant freezing and thawing of water?

Frost Wedging.

Will pouring hot water down your frozen water pipes help with thawing the pipes out?


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you sharpen it on a stone under running water

Which weather process involves the constant freezing and thawing of water?

Frost wedging