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What does heterogeneous signal mean within pancreas

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Q: When the MRI reads a heterogeneous signal what does that mean?
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What does thyroid gland demonstrates heterogeneous signal on an MRI mean?

what does it mean heterogeneous signal in the thyroid gland and a left lobe nodule meawsuring approximately 6mm.

What is T2 signal in MRI?

The T2 signal is used by MRI machines to help identify different characteristics of tissues within the brain. For example, the T2 signal can help identify if the tissue contains too much water.

What does abnormal MRI brain demonstrating heterogeneous bone signal mean?

Many things, most common is anemia. Differntial is multiple myeloma, mets, leukemia, and myelofibrosis. Findings have to be correlated with patient history and labs.

What does unremarkable bone marrow signal mean?

Negative MRI knee

What does marrow signal unremarkable mean on a MRI?

It means nothing to worry about.

Who administers MRI--a doctor or a technician?

The tech administers the MRI. The doctor "reads" it.

Brain T2 signal abnormal?

What does it mean when the MRI states Marked patchy to confluent abnormal T2 signal white matter? increase brain T2 signal from white matter in MRI might be due to AIDS dementia complex

What does low t1 signal intensity mean?

I just had an MRI done and one of the comments was that an area of the scan showed a low signal in, something is wrong with the tissue. I just had an MRI done and one of the comments was that an area of the scan showed a low signal in, something is wrong with the tissue.

Who runs the mri machines?

The technologist. A radiologist reads the study later.

The marrow signal is heterogeneous on the T1 and T2 sequences on my MRI should I be concerned?

A heterogeneous signal in the marrow on T1 and T2 sequences can be due to various reasons such as red marrow reconversion, inflammation, or underlying pathology. It is important to consult with your doctor or a radiologist for further evaluation and interpretation of the MRI findings to determine the cause and any potential concerns.

What is loss of intevertebral disc signal?

Loss of disc signal is something commonly seen on an MRI report. It means that there has been some degeneration of the disc.

How does proton density within the tissues affect signal intensity in MRI?

Proton density within the tissue will affect the signal intensity on an MRI. The thicker the tissue, the more intense the return signal will be upon detection.