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If you mean why does the air get warmer as the air pressure drops then that is an easily answered question. first we must look at what air pressure is, air pressure is the weight of air pushing down on the earth and when it goes down, the air must therefore be exerting less pressure on the earth and hence the air rises (vice versa for air pressure rise, the air is sinking and therefore exerting more pressure on the Earth's surface)

The air gets warmer as it rises as in a depression or anticyclone in the mid-latitudinal zone the air rises and is warmed by the tropical air mass, whether that air mass be tropical maritime or tropical continental, these air masses come from the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics, meaning the air in it is warm and so as air rises it is heated by this air mass. hope this has helped.

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Q: When the air get warmer the air pressure drops?
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If the air pressure drops largely, there will be rain and/or a thunderstorm. If the air pressure drops not so much, it will be partly cloudy and/or breezy. If the air pressure barely drops, and stays more of a high air pressure, it will be sunny and calm. If the air pressure is about in the middle of the Anemometer, it will be partly cloudy. Also, I did not use this from any other website, this answer is from common sense (for me). Have a good day! =)

What happens to air pressure when the temperature drops?

When air pressure drops temperature also drops. Thus on high mountains low air pressure is accompanied by low temperature. This is true for high atmosphere also.

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The air pressure drops sharply in a tornado

When coastal land is warmer than the nearby water what type of breeze forms?

Along Coastlines, warmer air relates to lower air pressure, thus air flows from the higher-pressure, cooler setting into the area of lower air pressure. If the land is warmer, it has lower air pressure. Air over the sea would therefore be cooler and thus have higher atmospheric pressure, and the air will naturally from from the higher pressure (in this case, from over the ocean) to the lower pressure (over the warmer land).So you get a wind from the water onto the land, or a sea breeze.

Does warm air have more pressure than cold air?

Yes, high pressure systems are associated with warmer air.

Air pressure is affected by temperature.?

Yes, air pressure is affected by temperature.When the temperature is higher the air pressure lowers and the weight of the air is lower. When air is warmer the molecules sperate and there are less molecules that can cause pressure.

As air becomes warmer it becomes less?

As air becomes warmer it becomes less dense (as long as the pressure remains constant)

Which air has greater air pressure?

Cooler air has greater air pressure since the air molecules are denser, meaning they are close together. Warmer air has lower air pressure for the opposite reason.

Why is it that when there is a low pressure area there is warmer air?

Warmer air is less dense because the molecules have greater relative motion. Warm air rises over cooler, denser air.

When air gets warmer what happens to the air pressure?

The air pressure will increase when the sky is clear and the sun is out, and will decrease during storms or poor weather.

What happens to air pressure when air gets warmer?

The air pressure will increase when the sky is clear and the sun is out, and will decrease during storms or poor weather.