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Q: When the amplitudes of waves are equal which frequency waves have the most energy?
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If wave amplitudes are equal will high-frequency waves carry more or less energy than low-frequency waves?

if wave amplitudes are equal ,will high frequency waves carry more or less energy than low frequency waves

What waves carry more energy than other waves if the amplitudes of waves are equal?

In general, higher frequency waves carry more energy than waves of lower frequency if their amplitudes are equal. This is absolutely true of electromagnetic waves, and can probably be most easily demonstrated there.

How do you compare the energy of two different waves?

To compare the energy of two different waves, you measure their amplitudes

How are frequency and energy of waves related?

Frequency and energy are related by the following: E = hf where h is Planck's constant, E is the energy in J, and f is the frequency in Hz. Remember that the product of any wavelength and its frequency is equal to the speed of light.

What describes how to compare the energy of two different waves?

measure their amplitudes

How do the frequencies of waves with different amplitudes compare?

There's no dependence or connection between a wave's amplitude and its frequency.

What happens when destructive interference between waves with different amplitudes?

It depends on the frequency of the waves. Are we assuming here that one wave is acting as destructive interference to another wave?. If they have the same frequency, then the amplitudes should combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude than the original (two?) waves. Otherwise your results will vary.

Electromagnetic waves with the highest energy have the?

Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.Electromagnetic waves of higher energy have a higher frequency and a smaller wavelength.

Waves with the greater amplitudes carry MORE OR LESS energy than waves with smaller amplitudes?

Wave with higher amplitude carry more energy than wave with lower amplitude. For simple consideration, no amplitude is no wave and thus no energy but just a flat surface of water. Wave with amplitude must have higher energy than the no wave.

Do radio waves visible light and x-rays have same frequency in vacuum?

No. The radio waves has got the lowest frequency, light waves has got in between frequency and the X-rays has got the highest frequency of the three types of waves.No.

Which EM waves has the highest frequency?

There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.There is no upper limit to how much energy (and frequency) an electromagnetic wave can have. The highest frequency waves are called gamma radiation.

What is the measurement of waves energy?
