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Q: When the blood arrives at the heart it has a high concentration of what?
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What is polychythemia?

Polycythaemia is the high concentration of red blood cells in the blood. This is caused by the over-stimulation of red blood cell production or a relative increase in red blood cells in the circulating blood. The haematocrit value can be up to 60-80%, increasing the blood's viscosity. There will be extra load upon the heart and it may lead to heart hypertrophies.

Do Veins have high concentration in CO2?

Usually, but not necessarily. A vein is a blood vessel that is returning to the heart, so it usually has a higher concentration of CO2 than an artery. But in the case of the Pulmonary vein, it is returning to the heart from the lungs, so it has a higher concentration of oxygen than carbon dioxide.

Does the aortic arch have a high or low concentration of oxygenated blood?

The Aortic Arch (Arcus Aorta) contains a high concentration of oxygenated hemoglobine, since it just came out of the left chamber of the heart which is still fresh from the pulmonairy circuit

Why is the blood flowing to the heart oxygen-poor while the blood flowing to the rest of the body is oxygen-rich?

When the blood is flowing back to the heart, the blood has already given off its oxygen to the rest of the body which means it contain less oxygen concentration in the blood. and when blood is flowing from the heart to the rest of the body, the blood contains high level of oxygen because they were being given oxygen by the lungs which passes along the heart and the heart pumps it to the rest of the body.

What causes more heart diseases heart rate or high blood pressure?

High blood pressure

What is high plasma osmolality?

This is when you have a high concentration of solute (ie. Na) in your blood in contrast to a low concentration of water in the blood.

Why is blood at its highest pressure when it leaves the heart?

Because pressure is built up in the left ventricle of the heart before it is forced out through the aorta in order for blood to be forced around to the body efficiently to the cells where it is needed. Without this high pressure, blood would not be efficiently ejected to the body and it can pool in the ventricles, which can cause problems. This high pressure in the ventricle is also required in order for blood to travel around the body. This is because blood moves from an area of high pressure to low pressure to travel. This same principle is used for cells to gain oxygen and other necessities. For example, oxygen will diffuse from the capillaries (smallest blood vessels) which has a high concentration of oxygen into cells, which have a low concentration of oxygen. Hope this helps ! :)

How are the concentration of hdl and ldl associated with the risk of heart disease?

Very high levels of HDL and LDL lead to Heart diseases. If there are too many LDL molecules in your blood HDL will help get rid of it but over time it will build up in you blood decreasing the flow to your heart and brain. This leads to a heart attack or a stroke.

How are the concentration of LDL and HDL associated with the risk for heart disease?

Very high levels of HDL and LDL lead to Heart diseases. If there are too many LDL molecules in your blood HDL will help get rid of it but over time it will build up in you blood decreasing the flow to your heart and brain. This leads to a heart attack or a stroke.

Type of blood contains a high concentration of O2?


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How does the blood entering the heart from the lung differ from the blood entering the heart from the blood?

The blood entering from the lungs has a high oxygen content and the blood entering from the body is high in carbon dioxide.