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Q: When the cell is not yet dividing the chromosomes are still in the form of very thin tangled network of threads called?
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What is the network of nuclear threads that condense to make chromosomes in mitosis called?


What are the network of nuclear threads composed of DNA and protein that condense to form chromosomes during mitosis is called?

The network of nuclear threads composed of DNA and protein that condense to form chromosomes during mitosis is called chromatin. Chromatin consists of DNA wrapped around histone proteins, and it undergoes further condensation to form visible chromosomes during cell division.

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What are the individual threads that form a chromosome?

Individual threads that form chromosomes are chromatin.

Why not easy to observe individual chromosomes during the interphase?

During interphase, individual chromosomes are not easily visible because they exist in a less condensed form known as chromatin. Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins that make up chromosomes. These chromosomes are spread throughout the nucleus and are not distinct structures, making them difficult to observe as separate entities.

What Are slender threads inside of a cell's nucleus that carry genes?

Chromosomes are slender threads inside a cell's nucleus that carry genes. They contain DNA, which holds the genetic information that determines an organism's traits. Chromosomes condense and become visible during cell division.

Why do chromosomes become more visible during prophase?

During prophase, chromosomes condense and become more visible because they coil tightly to form shorter and thicker structures. This condensation helps prevent tangling and facilitates the movement of chromosomes during cell division. Additionally, the condensation of chromosomes helps ensure that each daughter cell will receive the correct number and type of chromosomes.

When do chromatin threads appear as chromosomes?

Chromatin threads appear as chromosomes during cell division when the chromatin condenses and coils to form distinct, visible structures that can be easily identified under a microscope. This usually occurs during the metaphase stage of mitosis or meiosis.

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When an injury tears open a blood vessel, blood platelts stick to the broken vessel. Fibrinogen gathers on the platelets and changes into a tangled network of fine threads, which in turn catches more platelts and blood cells. The platelets and Fibrinogen cause the blood to clot.

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Describes the physical appearance of chromosomes in interphase and starts with a c?

In interphase, chromosomes appear as long, thin, and uncoiled structures known as chromatin threads.

It is not easy to observe individual chromosomes during interphase because?

the DNA has not been duplicated yet. they have uncoiled to form long, thin strands. they leave the nucleus and are scattered throughout the cell. homologous chromosomes do not pair up until division starts.