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Negotiating sexual activity can be an important part of a relationship, but it should always be a mutual decision made with respect and understanding for each other's boundaries. If one person feels pressured or experiences rejection, it can affect their self-esteem. Communication, trust, and setting boundaries are key in navigating sexual decisions in a healthy way.

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Q: When the decision about sexual activity is not it can lower self-esteem.?
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Does anger temporarily lower the IQ?

Yes, experiencing strong emotions like anger can temporarily impair cognitive functions such as memory, decision-making, and problem-solving, resulting in a lower effective IQ in the moment. This is due to the activation of the body's stress response system, which can divert cognitive resources away from higher-level thinking towards more immediate survival responses.

Is your IQ affected by alcahol?

Yes, alcohol can impair cognitive functions, including memory, judgment, and decision-making, which can lower your IQ temporarily while under its influence. Long-term, chronic alcohol consumption can also have detrimental effects on brain function and cognitive abilities.

Is your Iq effected by alcohol?

Yes, alcohol can impair cognitive function, including reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities, which can lower IQ temporarily while intoxicated. Persistent heavy drinking can also lead to long-term cognitive impairment, affecting overall intelligence and functioning.

Does your personality change when you drink?

Alcohol can lower inhibitions and affect decision-making, leading some individuals to exhibit behavior that is different from their usual personality. However, one's core personality traits typically remain the same whether they are sober or under the influence of alcohol.

The difference between programmed and nonprogrammed decisions?

Programmed decisions are routine, repetitive decisions that follow established rules and procedures, while nonprogrammed decisions are unique, non-repetitive decisions that require a higher level of analysis and creativity. Programmed decisions are typically made at lower levels of the organization by following predefined criteria, while nonprogrammed decisions are made at higher levels by evaluating multiple options and considering various factors.

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No. They definitely help prevent, and can prevent disease, but there is still a possibility you can still get the disease (or pregnant). They do lower the risk a lot though.

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to affect a science activity you can drop it and it would lower the mass

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