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No. When you're in the eye of a hurricane, you're in the center of it. After a few minutes the winds in the eyewall will return, only blowing in the opposite direction.

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Q: When the eye of a hurricane passes over does it mean it's over?
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What are the band of storms lining the center of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is the centre of the hurricane in which is a calmness that can fool people into believing the storm was over. Then the eye passes and the wind returned blowing in the reverse direction.

Is the eye of a hurricane the region of most intense storm activity?

No, the eye of a hurricane is known for being the quiet, still time before the rest of the storm passes over.

What is a crossfire hurricane?

As the eye of a hurricane passes over a fixed spot the wind direction changes 180 degrees. Hence a crossfire.

The strongest part of a hurricane is called the eye?

No, they eye of a hurricane is calm. The strongest part of a hurricane is the eyewall, a ring of heavy rain and strong winds just outside the eye.

What happens before the eye of the hurricane passes?

In the eye, everythng is still, there's almost no wind. Surrounding the eye is the eye wall, which has the strongest winds in the hurricane.

Name for short period of calm?

Lull.In reference to a cyclone or hurricane, the calm period is when the eye of the storm passes over.

What is the area of calm in a hurricane?

The area of calm in a hurricane is called the eye. This is the center of the storm, and when it passes the storm will rage again until it dies or moves on.

Is the outside of a hurricane called the eyewall?

The very center is called the eye which is usually totally calm. This is directly surrounded by the eyewall which is where the fastest wind speeds are found.You must stay in your house because after the eye passes the other end of the hurricane will blow winds in the opposite direction.the eye

Is the strongest part of a hurricane is the eye?

The eye is the center of the storm. At its center, the storm is weakest.If the eye passes over a town, the people first experience strengthening winds as one side of the disturbance approaches, then it becomes calm as the eye arrives. But all is not over: the other side of the storm passes over, bringing a second episode of strong winds.

What point is it when a hurricane hits land?

When the eye of a hurricane moves over land, it is called landfall.

What was the cost of damage after hurricane Irene?

At the latest estimate damage from Hurricane Irene was over $10.1 billion in USD.the eye of the hurricane

Do you run to the eye of a hurricane to be safe?

No. To get to the eye you have to go through the worst part of the storm; the eye wall. If the eye wall is passing over, you should not be outside. Stay indoors if a hurricane is striking your area.