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Q: When the free ends of a tester are dipped into a solution the magnetic needle of a compass shows deflection. Can you explain the reason?
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How do earth's magnetic properties explain how compass work?

The magnet in the compass is attracted to the magnetic field in the Earth's core. The N on the compass always point to magnetic north.... Don't get that confused with geographical north. They are different. Hope this helps.

Name two tools that improved sailing and explain why they were important?

the magnetic compass and the astrolabe because it lead them to were they wanted to go

How do earths magnetic properties explain how a compass works?

lets say if you were to suspend a bar magnet freely it wouldn't just swing around. it would line with the north and south pole that's how a compass works

Explain why a compass points in a north-south direction?

a compass is a free-spinning magnet. When it interacts with the magnetic field lines of the earth, if the compass is not parellel to the field lines, it will spin. Just like a weather vane will move if it isn't parallel to the wind, the magnet will experience a force from the field lines causing the needle to move. When the needle is aligned with the field lines, it has reached an equilibrium since a deflection either to the east or west will experience a force pushing the northern half of the needle to north. So, essentially think of the magnetic field lines as a north-south wind and the magnet as a weather vane.

How does an animals compass work?

The introductory figure summarizes our model for a photoreceptor-based magnetic compass in birds. The geomagnetic field can affect radical-pair reaction yields as governed by the stochastic Liouville equation depicted in the thinking bubble of the bird. These effects result in a modulation of visual information as shown in the right figure. The changes of visual modulation patterns with different orientations of the bird can explain the magnetic compass orientation observed in behavioral experiments.

Explain how the chinese inventions of paper the magnetic compass and gunpowder have influenced our world?

The Chinese invention of rice paper truly influenced the world. Like Greek parchment, Chinese paper made writing especially easier. The magnetic compass also allowed the world to understand time and direction. Gunpowder, of course, helped the world militarily and for hunting purposes.

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What is a magnetic field explanation for kids?

Well... you could visually demonstrate a magnetic field. Kids like visual learning tools. You can get a big magnet and put a piece of paper over it. Then take some type of metal filings and sprinkle them over the paper. The metal filings will align themselves in the direction of the magnetic field. You can explain to them about north and south poles. How the magnetic field is attracted to the south pole. Also take a compass and bring it close to the paper and you will see the compass moving in the direction that your sprinkled metal filings have fallen.

What is a magnetic field for kids?

Well... you could visually demonstrate a magnetic field. Kids like visual learning tools. You can get a big magnet and put a piece of paper over it. Then take some type of metal filings and sprinkle them over the paper. The metal filings will align themselves in the direction of the magnetic field. You can explain to them about north and south poles. How the magnetic field is attracted to the south pole. Also take a compass and bring it close to the paper and you will see the compass moving in the direction that your sprinkled metal filings have fallen.

What is solution space explain?

There is no solution.

Why would a compass needle move when placed near a circuit?

Any time current flows through a conductor an electromagnetic field is formed around the length of that conductor. The direction of current flow determines the polarity of this magnetic field.