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Q: When the fuse ignites the contents of a firework oxygen is consumed as a result of which type of change?
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When the fuise ignites the contents of a firework oxygen is consumed as result of which type of change?


When the fuse ignited the contents of a firework oxygen is consumed as a result of which type of change?


What changes take place when a firework is set off?

When a firework is set off, a chemical reaction occurs inside the firework shell. The ignition of a fuse ignites the gunpowder, producing rapidly expanding gases. These gases create pressure, leading to the explosion of the firework shell. As a result, colorful sparks, flames, and loud sounds are produced. Fireworks can also contain various chemicals that generate specific colors and effects when they burn.

Is firework explosion physicalchange?

Definitely a chemical change, The elements in the firework undergo very rapid combustion (burning) which is a chemical change.

Is an firework a chemical change?

Use of fireworks is a chemical change.

Is a firework a physical or chemical change?


Is firework is chemical or physical change?


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What is the physical change in a wax taper when ligting a firwork?

The change is that the firework is lit

Is firework exploding is a chemical change?

It is a chemical reaction because it changes and the change can't be revesed

Is a firework cracking a physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change as it releases gases into the air.