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Q: When the glaciers that covered large parts of Earth melted after the last ice age did the the sea levels become higher?
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Why does the ocean gain acid when glaciers melt?

Melting glaciers are associated with elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, hence, the oceans become more acidic.

How would sea levels be affected if all of Earth's glaciers got bigger and new glaciers formed?

Sea levels would fall, because a lot of the earth's water would then be tied up (frozen) in these glaciers.

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You need more than 500 contributions to become a Bronze Contributor. More for higher levels. See "What are the various contributor levels on" for more information.

How would sea levels be affected if all of Earths glaciers got bigger and new glaciers formed?

If all of Earth's glaciers were to get larger and new glaciers formed, it would lead to a decrease in global sea levels. This is because glaciers are formed when snow accumulates over a long period of time, compressing into ice. As more ice is stored in glaciers, less water is in the oceans, resulting in a lower sea level.

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Some become judges at various levels.

Why do sea levels fall as glaciers grow larger?

The amount of water on the planet stays the same. If huge amounts of this water is frozen on land, in glaciers, then it means that there is less water in the oceans, and sea levels are lower.

You become an unsafe driver at bac levels of?

According to many studies, you become an unsafe driver at BAC levels of 0.08 and higher. This is a common cutoff level for determining if a person is driving under the influence or not.

What is the effect of ice glaciers causing ocean levels to drop?

They are really heavy

An enviromental phenomenon that may result in rising of sea levels?

Melting of glaciers.

Why is antarctica important to aglobla warming?

Almost all of Antarctica is covered by ice, so it's greatly affected by a global rise in temperatures. When this ice melts and glaciers collapse, sea levels all over the world rise.

Was there a time with less glaciers?

Yes, during the Carboniferous period (i.e. the time when most of our coal resources formed) the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere were much much higher than they are now. This produced a greenhouse effect so strong that not only did the glaciers melt away but there was also no polar icecaps!

What is the role of ozone depletion in the rising of sea levels?

There is no connection between reduced ozone and rising sea levels.Rising sea levels are being caused by the melting of land ice (Greenland and Antarctica, as well as glaciers) and the expansion of water as the oceans become warmer.