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Q: When the hardy- weinberg equalibruim is achieved evolution?
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What is the relationship between Hardy-Wienberg equilibrium and evolution?

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a null hypothesis that describes a non-evolving population where allele frequencies remain constant over generations. When a population is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it indicates that factors such as mutation, selection, gene flow, or genetic drift are influencing allele frequencies, leading to evolutionary change. Thus, deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be an indicator of evolution occurring in a population.

The work of hardy and weinberg led to what statement about evolution?

The Hardy-Weinberg principle provides a mathematical model to predict genotype frequencies in a population that is not evolving. If genotype frequencies in a population do not match the predicted frequencies, then evolution (such as genetic drift, natural selection, or gene flow) is likely occurring.

What is hardy weinberg law about?

The Hardy-Weinberg law describes the relationship between allele and genotype frequencies in a population that is not evolving. It asserts that allele and genotype frequencies will remain constant from generation to generation if certain conditions are met, such as no mutation, migration, genetic drift, or natural selection acting on the population.

Any violation of the conditions necessary for hardy-weinberg equilibrium can result in?

Any violation of the conditions necessary for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can result in changes in allele frequencies in a population. This includes factors such as mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, non-random mating, and natural selection that can disrupt the genetic equilibrium established by Hardy-Weinberg principles.

How does natural selection break h-w assumptions?

Natural selection can break Hardy-Weinberg assumptions by changing allele frequencies in a population over time. If certain alleles provide a reproductive advantage, they will increase in frequency, leading to deviation from the assumptions of random mating, no natural selection, large population size, no mutation, and no gene flow. This can result in evolution occurring within a population.

Allele frequencies in a population tend to remain the same from generation to generation unless acted on by outside influences?

This concept is known as the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. It states that, in the absence of evolution forces, allele frequencies will remain constant over generations in a population. It can be used to predict the frequencies of different genotypes in a population if certain conditions are met.

What are the conditions of the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium?

Conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg EquilibriumRandom matingNo natural selectionNo gene flow (migrations)Large population sizeNo mutations

If a new allele appears in the population the Hardy Weinberg formula?

If a new allele appears in a population, the Hardy-Weinberg formula cannot be used. This is because there is now no equilibrium.

What happens when a population is in Hardy Weinberg's experiments?


What is it called when a population is not evolving?

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

What question did hardy and Weinberg want an answer?

Hardy and Weinberg wanted to answer the question of how genetic variation is maintained in a population over time. They developed the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle, which describes the expected frequencies of alleles in a population that is not undergoing any evolutionary changes.

Which one of the statements presents a condition of the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

The statement that allele frequencies remain constant from generation to generation if certain conditions are met presents a condition of the Hardy-Weinberg principle.