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I believe that if the humidity is high and it is cold it will snow.Cause I libe in a town near the gulf where it barley snows probly only in 04 is when it did but I've wished for it to snow and try looking at the humidity of snow states and compared:-)

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Q: When the humidity is high or low what is the chance of rain or snow?
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When humidity is high the chance of rain or snow is what?

With high humidity this means there is a lot of water vapour in the air, therefore the chance of precipitation (rain or snow) is high.

When humidity is high the chances of rain or snow is?

With high humidity this means there is a lot of water vapour in the air, therefore the chance of precipitation (rain or snow) is high

Is there a difference in snow humidity and rain humidity?

Rain can be humid or it can be cold Snow is always cold

What weather conditions produce snow?

High humidity cold weather and rain.

When the humidity is high the chance for rain or snow is?

OK so your like me. I always like snow and I really want it to snow again like it did in 2004. SO all I do is go to a weather website and find a snow state like Washington and compare it to Texas or were u live basically the humidity has to be high. This is caused by the pressure index depending. On the region ur at so check weather bug for info thanks 4 listening hope me answer helper u bibi :-)

Why can't it rain or snow in Antarctica?

There is only about five percent humidity in Antarctica. Sometimes it does rain in the far north end of the Antarctic peninsula. 'Snow' is really blowing ice crystals and not snow at all.

What is the forcast for tomorrow?

sunny a little bit of rain and all weekend might be a rainly but most of the time sunny with a high chance snow

When does snow stop falling?

The snow stops when there is no longer moisture in the air, say ti was supposed to rain, but if its cold enough and the humidity is right it will snow instead, so once it passes like rain does it will stop snowing.

Why does it snow in the world?

When it gets too cold to rain, the humidity stored in the clouds become tiny almost soft flakes that hit the ground. All snow is is pure awesomness provided by frozen rain

What is high precipitation?

High precipitation refers to a large amount of rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation falling in a particular area over a specified period. This can lead to increased water levels in rivers, streams, and reservoirs, which can result in flooding and other water-related issues.

Does snow affect humidity?

yes snow do affect humidity

What does 0 percent precipitation mean?

0 percent precipitation means that there is no chance of any form of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.) occurring within the specified period of time and location.