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Q: When the in rocks builds up enough the rock breaks or changes shape releasing energy in the form of waves?
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Is photosynthesis an energy releasing process?

Yes, and no. It is when the plant takes in sunlight, and changes it in to energy, so it gains energy, and releases oxygen.

What changes glucose into energy?

The process of cellular respiration breaks down glucose and releases energy that is stored in molecules of ATP.

How does adenosine triphosphate carry energy?

The energy in ATP is stored in the bonds between the phosphate groups. To release energy ATP breaks off one of the phosphate groups, which makes it ATP.

How can you tell if a reaction is releasing energy?

energy is released when the ATP hydrogen bond breaks, there are three hydrogen bonds by gabriela diaz

What happens when rocks beneath the earths surface undergo stress?

The rock moves because forces deep inside earth create stress or pressure in the rock when the pressure in the rock builds up enough,the rock breaks or changes shape releasing energy in the form of waves

Why respiration is called an energy releasing process?

The energy released by cellular respiration is stored in molecules of ATP, which the cell breaks down to release energy that it can use to do work.

Which of the following is a chemical change A explosive breaks rocks B person breaks rock with hammer C boiling water gives off steam D low temps cause icicles to form?

Answer A, "explosive breaks rocks" is a chemical change, releasing energy by the oxidation (combustion, ignition) of an explosive chemical. All of the others are physical or phase changes that do not chemically alter the molecules of the substances.

What is the process by which an organism obtains the energy it needs releasing the chemical energy in nutrients?

The process is respiration (cellular respiration). It breaks down the compounds called carbohydrates to release the energy stored there (which almost always originally came from photosynthesis).

What energy changes take place when coal is burned?

When coal is burned, chemical energy changes to thermal energy. The energy of sunlight was stored in the organic molecules of dead plants, which were compressed and altered to form long-chain hydrocarbons. Burning the coal oxidizes these molecules, releasing heat.

Is bond formation an energy absorbing or an energy releasing process?

Bond formation most often releases energy. but if other reactions or phase changes that release energy occur at the same time, bond formation can absorb energy.

Do the colors of flame tests result from taking in energy or releasing energy?

Both. Electrons absorb energy and move to a higher energy state, which is unstable, and they fall back down to their ground state immediately, releasing energy as they do.

What changes takes place when coal is burned?

When coal is burned, chemical energy changes to thermal energy. The energy of sunlight was stored in the organic molecules of dead plants, which were compressed and altered to form long-chain hydrocarbons. Burning the coal oxidizes these molecules, releasing heat.