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The narrator first saw Fortunato at the carnival in a drunken state, appearing to be happy and celebrating.

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Q: When the narrator first saw Fortunato at the carnival what was his condition?
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What is the narrator's last name in the story The Cask of Amontillado?

The narrator's last name in "The Cask of Amontillado" is Montresor.

When did the narrator Montresor vow revenge?

In the very first line of the story, Montresor says: "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge." So the answer is Montresor vows revenge in the first line of the story, but only after Fortunato has already committed a thousand injuries but now has also insulted Montresor. This is significant because it creates some doubt as to the sanity of the narrator, Montresor. He vows revenge not after a thousand "injuries," but only when Fortunato adds insult as well. It is as if the more trivial of the two, injury and insult, has become the most important.

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In "The Cask of Amontillado," the narrator's knowledge of the auditor, Fortunato, influences the unfolding of the story as it leads to a deadly betrayal. The narrator's intention is to exact revenge on Fortunato due to a perceived insult. The tension and suspense in the story are heightened by the fact that Fortunato is unaware of the narrator's true feelings, creating a sense of dramatic irony for the reader.

What date did carnival first come to the streets?

The first carnival was in 1823. This carnival was called The Festival of Rio. This is what a lot of people refer to as when the streets came alive with music and fun.

What is an analysis of 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

'The Cask of Amontillado' By Edgar Allan Poe is a short story that delves into themes of revenge and betrayal. The narrator, Montresor, concocts a plan to exact revenge on Fortunato for an unknown insult. The story explores the themes of deception, manipulation, and the dark depths of human nature.

When did the notting hill carnival begin?

The first Notting Hill Carnival was held in1966.

What does the first paragraph reveal about Montresor and Fortunato's relationship?

The first paragraph reveals that Montresor harbors a deep-seated grudge against Fortunato, indicating a strained relationship. Montresor's mention of feeling insulted by Fortunato suggests unresolved tension or resentment between the two characters.

Describe Montresor's appearance in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

Montresor is described as wearing a black silk mask that covers half of his face. He is also wearing a black cloak and is carrying a rapier. His appearance is mysterious and sinister, hinting at his dark intentions towards Fortunato.

How does the point of view in The Cask of Amontillado effect the story?

The point of view is that of the first person from the protagonist/main character Montresor.the point of view of the cask of amontillado is gothic and dark because the narrator montresor tells the reader how he tortured fortunato

What is The Cask of Amontillado all about?

"The Cask of Amontillado" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe that revolves around a man named Montresor seeking revenge on his unsuspecting enemy, Fortunato. Montresor lures Fortunato into his family catacombs with the promise of sampling a rare amontillado wine, only to trap and ultimately bury him alive behind a brick wall. The story explores themes of pride, vengeance, and betrayal.

When was the first performance of the carnival of the animals?

in Austria

What is the Expostitiuon Cask Of Amontillado?

The cask of amontillado is about two men named Montresor and Fortunato. Fortunato insults Montresor in an unspecified way, and Montresor plans revenge. Montresor plans to kill Fortunato on the night of a carnival. So, Montresor lures Fortunato into coming to his house, because he had "acquired a pipe of amontillado, which may be a fake." (That is in quotations because it is not true.) THen, Edgar Allen poe reveals that fortunato has a cold, and Montresor "tries" to talk him out of going to Montresor's mansion. Fortunato replies, "I will not die of a cough." Soon, we find out that Montresor's Family arms is a gold food crushing a snake that is biting the foot's heel. Their motto in English is "No-one dare attack me with impunity." As the two travel through the catacombs, Fortunato's cold gets worsse, due to the mold. Soon, the two are at a dead end; a wall with a hole. Montresor says the wine is inside. So, Fortunato, walks in, and montresor pins him to the ground, chains him there, and closes up the wall trapping Fortunato within.