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Q: When the onion cell is placed in the microscopewhy is it not good to tilt the microscope?
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How much are these onion cell magnified?

It depends on the strength of the lense you are using and how high you set the magnification of the microscope.At 40X magnification, the microscope enlarges a 2 mm part of the onion and at 100X the microscope enlarges 0.8 mm of the cell. At both 40X and 100X you can online see a zoomed out image of the cells.At 400X, the microscope enlarges a 0.2 mm part of the cell. The individual cell is more clearly seen.At 1000X magnification, the microscope enlarges a 0.08 mm part of the onion cell. At this level of magnification the nucleus of the onion cell can be seen.This link shows different magnifications of the onion cells.

CELL used as a core science word?

The students used the microscope to compare a CELL from an onion with a cell from a worm. A+

Ron is observing an onion cell on a slide under a microscope He sees chromatids being pulled to opposite ends of the cell Which phase is he seeing?

Ron is observing an onion cell on a slide under a microscope. He sees chromatids being pulled to opposite ends of the cell. Which phase is he seeing?

When the onion cell is placed in the pure water the size of the cell would be bigger after one hour but when you placed the cheek cell into the pure water it will burst why is that so?

An Onion cell as a contractile vacuole. This allows the cells to remover more water especially when placed into a hypotonic solution. An epithelial skin cell of the cheek does not have a contractile vacuole. The acess water cannot be stored, therefore the cell bursts.

Why can we just see vacuole nucleus cell membrane and cell wall in onion cell under light microscope and not other organelles?

Onion epidermal cells occur mitosis (nuclear division) and cytokinesis(cell division). Interphase cell typically have one or more number of nuclei, so a few nuclei do not appear next to a cell wall.

Related questions

What part of an onion cell can you identify?

Given a good microscope I can identify all parts of an onion cell.

How Onion cell magnified?

by looking in the microscope oppa jungkook love you

How much are these onion magnified?

It depends on the strength of the lense you are using and how high you set the magnification of the microscope.At 40X magnification, the microscope enlarges a 2 mm part of the onion and at 100X the microscope enlarges 0.8 mm of the cell. At both 40X and 100X you can online see a zoomed out image of the cells.At 400X, the microscope enlarges a 0.2 mm part of the cell. The individual cell is more clearly seen.At 1000X magnification, the microscope enlarges a 0.08 mm part of the onion cell. At this level of magnification the nucleus of the onion cell can be seen.This link shows different magnifications of the onion cells.

Can you observe any chloroplast in the onion cell using microscope?

Yes, sometimes there will be green portions of the onion. If you look at those cells under the microscope, you will see chloroplasts.

CELL used as a core science word?

The students used the microscope to compare a CELL from an onion with a cell from a worm. A+

How much are these onion cell magnified?

It depends on the strength of the lense you are using and how high you set the magnification of the microscope.At 40X magnification, the microscope enlarges a 2 mm part of the onion and at 100X the microscope enlarges 0.8 mm of the cell. At both 40X and 100X you can online see a zoomed out image of the cells.At 400X, the microscope enlarges a 0.2 mm part of the cell. The individual cell is more clearly seen.At 1000X magnification, the microscope enlarges a 0.08 mm part of the onion cell. At this level of magnification the nucleus of the onion cell can be seen.This link shows different magnifications of the onion cells.

What part of the microscope will you adjust if the onion cell you are observing under the HOP is not clear?


Can any one see the cell wall of onion through the microscope?


How much onion cell magnified?

by looking in the microscope oppa jungkook love you

Why do you use the onion for cell sample and not the leaf?

An onion is easy to peel to 1 layer of cells, and with a light microscope you cant see the individual cells in a leaf. Also the cell obtained from the bulb of onion is colorless, hence it can be easly stained with different dyes to study the cell organells under the microscope.

What cell structures can be seen in a stain onion cell?

The structure that is seen is the cell wall. This keeps the shape of the cell and is only found in plant cells. The organelles that can be see in a stained onion cells all depends on your microscope. Under a x400 light microscope we could see the cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm,

What is the difference between a plant cell and an onion peel cell?

check the microscope and the cross section views....