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artesian well

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Artesian Well

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Q: When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to earth's surface is called?
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When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it called an?


When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the surface is called an?

artesian well

When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface its called?


When the pressure of the rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface its called and?


When the pressure of the rock layers pressing on an aQUIFER from above and below squeezes water up to the earth's surface it's called an?

Artesian spring. This occurs when an aquifer is confined between impermeable rock layers, creating pressure that forces the water to rise naturally to the surface without the need for pumping.

When the pressure of rocks layers pressing on an aquifer above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


When the pressure of the rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


When pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earth's surface it's called an?


When the pressure of rock layer pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


When the pressure of rocks layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


When the pressure of rock layers pressing on an aquifer above and below squeezes water up to the earth surface?

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