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Q: When the size purchasing power and profiles of a market segment can be determined it possesses the requirement of being what?
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Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions?

Demography is the study of the characteristics of human populations. Today's demographic environment shows a changing age structure, shifting family profiles, geographic population shifts, a better educated and more white-collar population, and increasing diversity. The economic environment consists of factors that affect buying power and patterns. The economic environment is characterized by more consumer concern for value in shifting consumer spending patterns. Today's squeezed consumers are seeking greater value -- just the right combination of good quality and service at a fair price. The distribution of income also is shifting. The rich have grown richer, the middle class has shrunk, and the poor have remained for, leading to a two-tiered market. Many companies now tailor their marketing offers to two different markets-- the affluent and the less affluent.

How changes in the demographic and economic environment affect marketing decisions?

Changing factors in the demographic environment that affect marketing decisions include the shifting age structure of the Canadian population, the changing Canadian family, geographic shifts in population, a better-educated and more white-collar workforce, and increasing ethnic and racial diversity. Economic trends include changes in income and income distribution, and changes in consumer spending patterns. Demography is the study of the characteristics of human populations. Today's demographic environment shows a changing age structure, shifting family profiles, geographic population shifts, a better educated and more white-collar population, and increasing diversity. The economic environment consists of factors that affect buying power and patterns. The economic environment is characterized by more consumer concern for value in shifting consumer spending patterns. Today's squeezed consumers are seeking greater value -- just the right combination of good quality and service at a fair price. The distribution of income also is shifting. The rich have grown richer, the middle class has shrunk, and the poor have remained for, leading to a two-tiered market. Many companies now tailor their marketing offers to two different markets-- the affluent and the less affluent.

What services are available from Plan It PR?

Plan It PR offers a comprehensive range of public relations and marketing services to help businesses and individuals effectively communicate their message and reach their target audience. Some of the key services provided by Plan It PR include: Media Relations: This involves building and maintaining relationships with media outlets to secure coverage for clients in various forms of media, including print, online, and broadcast. Press Release Writing and Distribution: Plan It PR can craft compelling press releases and distribute them to relevant media outlets to ensure that important announcements and news are effectively communicated. Content Creation: This includes writing engaging and informative content for websites, blogs, social media, and other platforms to help clients establish thought leadership and connect with their audience. Social Media Management: Plan It PR can create and manage social media profiles, develop content calendars, and engage with followers to build a strong online presence. Event Planning and Promotion: This service involves organizing and promoting events to generate buzz and attract attendees. This includes everything from corporate events to product launches and press conferences. Crisis Communication: In times of crisis, Plan It PR can assist in developing and executing a strategic communication plan to manage the situation effectively and protect the client's reputation. Influencer Outreach: This service helps clients identify and connect with influencers in their industry to expand their reach and credibility. Brand Development and Strategy: Plan It PR can work with clients to define their brand identity, messaging, and positioning in the market. Award Submissions and Recognition: They can help clients identify relevant awards and recognition opportunities, as well as prepare and submit applications. Media Training: Plan It PR offers media training sessions to help clients effectively communicate their message during interviews and public appearances. By leveraging these services, Plan It PR aims to enhance their clients' visibility, credibility, and reputation in their respective industries. For more detailed and specific information, you can visit their official website at prwires-com.

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